Kids' Apologetics
This playlist is comprised of various titles that will provide a good foundation for teaching children apologetics.
Now We Know the old Testament
Memorize all the old Testament books in order with this upbeat song from Seeds Family Worship.
The Nature of Science
Does science trump the Word of God? No way! This fun, animated video demonstrates how science couldn't even be possible without God and how we need to be careful how we interpret‚ evidence.
Kids' Most-asked Questions...About Science & the Bible!
God designed humans to be curious about the world and universe around them. This is especially obvious in children. Dr. Georgia Purdom reveals simple, Bible-based answers that parents can use with children of all ages!
Six Short Days, one Big Adventure
Proto, the fun-loving, animatronic dinosaur, joins Buddy Davis in this story about the wonders of the six days of creation.
A is for Adam
This short animated film shares the message of the gospel to young children, beginning in the book of Genesis.
D is for Dinosaur
Kids love dinosaurs, so it's vital that parents begin teaching about them when they are young. D is for Dinosaur makes it easy to show kids the true history of dinosaurs.
N is for Noah
The account of the ark, the flood, and the man of faith at the heart of this biblical adventure is told in informative rhyming verse.
Day 1: Jesus Before and at Creation
Time Lab Wild Family Mission Moments: Day 1: Jesus Before and at Creation
Day 2: Jesus in the old Testament
Time Lab Wild Family Mission Moments: Day 2: Jesus in the old Testament
Day 3: Jesus our Savior
Time Lab Wild Family Mission Moments: Day 3: Jesus our Savior
Day 4: Jesus Today
Time Lab Wild Family Mission Moments: Day 4: Jesus Today
Day 5: Jesus in the Future
Time Lab Wild Family Mission Moments: Day 5: Jesus in the Future
Dinosaurs, Genesis, and the Gospel, Part 1
Part 1: This upbeat educational program is filled with music and fun biblical teaching. Ken Ham and Buddy Davis answer questions about dinosaurs and how they relate to the Bible.
Dinosaurs, Genesis, and the Gospel, Part 2
Part 2: This upbeat educational program is filled with music and fun biblical teaching. Ken Ham and Buddy Davis answer questions about dinosaurs and how they relate to the Bible.
Dinosaurs and the Bible, Part 1
An aura of mystery surrounds the dinosaurs. Where did they come from? Did they evolve? Did they really live millions of years ago? What happened to them? Are there any living today? Has any human being ever seen a live dinosaur?
Children and adults alike are absolutely fascinated by these myster...
Dinosaurs and the Bible, Part 2
An aura of mystery surrounds the dinosaurs. Where did they come from? Did they evolve? Did they really live millions of years ago? What happened to them? Are there any living today? Has any human being ever seen a live dinosaur?
Children and adults alike are absolutely fascinated by these myster...
Is Genesis Relevant for Today? Part 1
Is Genesis Relevant for Today? - Question 1 (part 1) of a 12-question video series with Ken Ham defending the Bible from the very first verse.
Is Genesis Relevant for Today? Part 2
Is Genesis Relevant for Today? - Question 1 (part 2) of a 12-question video series with Ken Ham defending the Bible from the very first verse.
Why is There Death & Suffering?
Why is There Death & Suffering?
Jesus Animation
Jesus Animation
The Big Bang Its Not Working Animation
The Big Bang Its Not Working Animation
Evidence for Adam and Eve
Evidence for Adam and Eve
Dinosaurs And More
Kids love dinosaurs! But Christian parents are understandably cautious when they see new dinosaur programs geared towards children.
Secular dinosaur shows push evolutionary ideas like: dinosaurs existed millions of years ago, dinosaurs evolved into birds, and dinosaurs went extinct long before m...