Summer, Part 2: Go down home with Buddy as he sings and plays his way through some bluegrass favorites‚ old and new! In this music video produced by the family of two teen homeschoolers you'll meet Missy, the prodigal donkey, and tap your foot to some great banjo and guitar picking. Let Buddy's guitar carry you through some old gospel hymns. You'll even meet a guitar that's had too many milkshakes! Add beautiful photos of nature, and this film is sure to provide wholesome, fun family viewing for all ages.
Up Next in Kids' Apologetics
Front Porch Gospel with Buddy Davis: ...
Summer, Part 1: Go down home with Buddy as he sings and plays his way through some bluegrass favorites‚ old and new! In this music video produced by the family of two teen homeschoolers you'll meet Missy, the prodigal donkey, and tap your foot to some great banjo and guitar picking. Let Buddy's g...
Seeds Family Worship
Join Seeds Family Worship as they share some songs from Time Lab VBS and Answers Bible Curriculum. Learning Bible verses can be easier with music!
Dr. Danny Faulkner
Danny Faulkner - Creation Scientist
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