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Kids' Apologetics
3m 30s
How did so many species form from the kinds that went on the ark?
Up Next in Kids' Apologetics
S1E4 The Language of DNA
DNA points to the Designer.
This amazing video from the Creation Museum highlights the beauty and majesty of God's awe-inspiring handiwork throughout the seemingly endless universe. Contains 8 programs.
S1E5 Plants
on day three God created the planets. Discover their unique design and purpose.
This amazing video from the Creation Museum highlights the beauty and majesty of God's awe-inspiring handiwork throughout the seemingly endless universe. Contains 8 programs.
Part 5 - Life: Designed for Flight
Part 5: The earth abounds with a fantastic variety of living things. But what is life? Why are living things so similar? Explore amazing answers from the Bible! Contains 9 mini programs.