Kids' Apologetics

Kids' Apologetics

This playlist is comprised of various titles that will provide a good foundation for teaching children apologetics.

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Kids' Apologetics
  • When Were All the Other Planets Created?

    When were all the other planets created? Buddy Davis tackles this common kids question using the Bible!

  • Why Was the 1st Person God Created a Boy?

    Why was the first person God created a boy? Buddy Davis tackles this common kids question using the Bible!

  • Why Did God Make the Week 7 Days Long?

    Why did God make the week 7 days long? Buddy Davis tackles this common kids question using the Bible!

  • When God Created the Earth, Were the Trees Fully Grown or Were They Baby Trees?

    When God created the earth, were the trees fully grown or were they baby trees? Buddy Davis tackles this common kids question using the Bible!

  • How Long Did It Take for Adam to Name the Animals?

    How long did it take for Adam to name the animals? Buddy Davis tackles this common kids question using the Bible!

  • If All God Created Was Good, How Could Satan Be Bad?

    If all God created was good, how could Satan be bad? Buddy Davis tackles this common kids question using the Bible!

  • Did God Use the Same Design for Humans as for Monkeys?

    Did God use the same design for humans as for Monkeys? Buddy Davis tackles this common kids question using the Bible!

  • Unicorns in the Bible?

    Unicorns in the Bible? (Dr. Elizabeth Mitchell) - One of the eighteen most-asked questions from the highly popular New Answers Book 3 on video.

    We live in a culture with more questions than ever—questions that affect one’s acceptance of the Bible as authoritative and trustworthy. This video feat...

  • What Really Happened to the Dinosaurs?

    What Really Happened to the Dinosaurs? (Ken Ham) - One of the twelve most-asked questions from the highly popular New Answers Book 1 on video.

    We live in a culture with more questions than ever—questions that affect one’s acceptance of the Bible as authoritative and trustworthy. This video featu...

  • Where Was the Garden of Eden Located?

    Where Was the Garden of Eden Located? (Ken Ham) - One of the eighteen most-asked questions from the highly popular New Answers Book 3 on video.

    We live in a culture with more questions than ever—questions that affect one’s acceptance of the Bible as authoritative and trustworthy. This video feat...

  • Does Distant Starlight Prove the Universe Is Old?

    Does Distant Starlight Prove the Universe Is Old? (Dr. Jason Lisle) - One of the twelve most-asked questions from the highly popular New Answers Book 1 on video.

    We live in a culture with more questions than ever—questions that affect one’s acceptance of the Bible as authoritative and trustworth...

  • How Can Someone Start a New Life in Christ?

    How Can Someone Start a New Life in Christ? (Cecil Eggert) - One of the eighteen most-asked questions from the highly popular New Answers Book 3 on video.

    We live in a culture with more questions than ever—questions that affect one’s acceptance of the Bible as authoritative and trustworthy. This...

  • The Importance of Genesis

    Why is Genesis so important?

  • What is a Day?

    What is a day? Could it be millions of years long?

  • Six Days

    Walk through the first week of creation with colorful illustrations.

  • Why Shouldn’t Christians Accept Millions of Years?

    Why Shouldn’t Christians Accept Millions of Years? - One of the twelve most-asked questions from the highly popular New Answers Book 1 on video.

    We live in a culture with more questions than ever—questions that affect one’s acceptance of the Bible as authoritative and trustworthy. This video fea...

  • The Origin of Races

    Ever wonder why there are so many different "colors" of skin if we all came from Adam and Eve? Are there really different "races" or are we all of one race - the human race? This fun, educational video explores some of these questions and gives biblical answers.

  • How Old is the Earth/Universe?

    How Old is the Earth/Universe?

  • Was There Really a Noah’s Ark and Flood?

    Was There Really a Noah’s Ark and Flood? (Ken Ham) - One of the twelve most-asked questions from the highly popular New Answers Book 1 on video.

    We live in a culture with more questions than ever—questions that affect one’s acceptance of the Bible as authoritative and trustworthy. This video fea...

  • Why Do We Look Different?

    Why Do We Look Different?

  • S3E10 The Genesis of a brand-new Critical Thinking course for Christians!

    The Genesis of a brand-new Critical Thinking course for Christians! With AiG CA Youth Outreach Coordinator Patricia Engler.

    Discover what prompted AiG Youth Outreach Coordinator Patricia Engler to produce and write a fantastic new Critical Thinking course for Christian students (available on Ans...

  • S3E8 A survival guide for Christian students! With Patricia Engler

    Calvin Smith (the Director of Answers in Genesis CA) sits down with special guest and AiG Youth Outreach Coordinator Patricia Engler to discuss her new book written as a survival guide for Christian students in secular universities. Learn about how her own personal experiences and research have ...

  • Patricia Engler: How To Think About Facts That Challenge Your Faith

    Patricia Engler gives practical solutions for equipping the next generation by focusing on spiritual foundations, intellectual foundations, and interpersonal foundations which in turn will make a difference within the church as well as the world.

  • Patricia Engler Testimony

    Patricia Engler's weekly 360 in 180 blog videos will not only enable you to relive her adventures with her, but will also give a more personal take on her stories from who else but Patricia herself!