AN ICY ADVENTURE!Join explorer Buddy Davis as he hikes atop glaciers, kayaks among icebergs, and reveals amazing factsaboutanimals that lived during the Ice Age.Fun new music and animation make this a video that children of all ages will love to watch again and again!
Up Next in Kids
Six Short Days, one Big Adventure
Proto, the fun-loving, animatronic dinosaur, joins Buddy Davis in this story about the wonders of the six days of creation.
Dinosaurs And More
Kids love dinosaurs! But Christian parents are understandably cautious when they see new dinosaur programs geared towards children.
Secular dinosaur shows push evolutionary ideas like: dinosaurs existed millions of years ago, dinosaurs evolved into birds, and dinosaurs went extinct long before m... -
Las 7Cs de la Historia
A Ti de Verdad pero de Verdad te gustaraprender la historia del mundo?
Conoce la historia del mundo con 7 palabras que comienzan con la letra C!Basado en la serie de Ruth Carter con talleres para nios en el Creation Museum y la coleccion de sus libros: "A Mi de Verdad pero de Verdad me gustar....