Lily's Lab

Lily's Lab

2 Seasons
4K badge

Do you like asking questions and finding answers? Are there things that you’ve always wondered about but never known where, or even how, to ask? If so, you’re going to be blessed because you’re just like Lily the Leaellynasaura (LEE-ELL-IN-a-SORE-a), the truth-loving dinosaur. Join her as she digs for answers—always starting with the truth of the Bible—to some of life’s most perplexing questions!

Lily's Lab
  • S1E1 When Did Time Begin?

    Episode 1

    Today's question is from Sarah, age 10. When Did Time Begin?

    In the beginning there was nothing when God created our universe by his Word. So, when did time begin? Join Lily as she researches the answer to this question using the truth of the Bible in Genesis 1:1 and Hebrews 11:3.

  • S1E2 Did Adam and Eve Have Belly Buttons?

    Episode 2

    Today's question is from Kimberly, age 7. Did Adam and Eve Have Belly Buttons?

    What is a belly button? Join Lily as she researches the answer to these questions using the truth of the Bible in Genesis 2:7 and Genesis 2:22.

  • S1E3 Where Is the Garden of Eden?

    Episode 3

    Today's question comes from Joy, age 10. Where Is the Garden of Eden?

    When Adam and Eve sinned, they were cast out of the Garden of Eden. Sin changed everything. Join Lily as she researches the answer to this question using the truth of the Bible in Genesis 2:10-14 and the truth of the global fl...

  • S1E4 Does Genesis 1:1-2 Refer to the First Day?

    Episode 4

    Today's question comes from Lee, age 9. Does Genesis 1:1-2 refer to the first day?

    Some people believe that there were millions of years that passed between verses 1 and 2 of Genesis 1. In this episode, Lily calls on Ken Ham to help with the answer.

    Join Lily as she researches the answer t...

  • S1E5 When God Created the Earth Were the Trees Fully Grown?

    Episode 5

    Today's question comes from Chris, age 11. When God created the earth were the trees fully grown? If they were fully grown, did they have growth rings?

    on day three, God created the trees and other forms of vegetation to sprout, grow and bear fruit. In this episode, Lily calls on Dr. Andrew Sne...

  • S1E6 Why Did God Make a Week Seven Days Long?

    Episode 6

    Today's question comes from Caleb, age 6. Why did God make a week seven days long?

    In six days, God created heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them; and rested on the seventh day. So, why seven days? Join Lily as she researches the answer to this question using the truth of the Bible...

  • S1E7 Why Did God Let Adam Name the Animals?

    Episode 7

    Today's question comes from Caleb, age 11. Why did God let Adam name the animals? Why didn't He name them Himself?

    God is big and powerful and could have easily named all the animals. What special thing was God doing for Adam? Join Lily as she researches the answer to these questions using the ...

  • S1E8 Did Adam Give Each of the Animals the Names We Call them Today?

    Episode 8

    Today's question comes from olivia, age 7. Did Adam give each of the animals the names we call them today?

    How did the Tower of Babel affect what animals were called? Join Lily as she researches the answer to this question using the truth of the Bible in Genesis 2:20.

  • S1E9 When Were the other Planets Created?

    Episode 9

    Today's question comes from Joshua, age 8. When were the other planets created?

    Was the Earth created before the other stars and planets? Is the Earth 3 days older than the other planets? In this episode, Lily calls on Dr. Danny Faulkner to help with the answer.

    Join Lily as she researches th...

  • S1E10 Why Are Stars Millions of Light-Years Away?

    Episode 10

    Today's question comes from Brendon, age 10. If God created the world 6,000 years ago or so, why are stars millions of light-years away?

    What does "light-year" actually measure? In this episode, Lily calls on Dr. Danny Faulkner to help with the answer.

    Join Lily as she researches the answer t...

  • S1E11 What Is Evolution?

    Episode 11

    Today's question comes from Calista, age 8. What is Evolution?

    The topic of evolution can be confusing and it doesn't follow what is recorded in the bible. Join Lily as she researches the answer to this question using the truth of the Bible in Genesis 1:21, 2 Timothy 3:16-17, and 1 Peter 3:15.

  • S1E12 Why Do Evolutionists Trust Their Beliefs and Not Christ?

    Episode 12

    Today's question comes from Joy, age 11, "Why Do Evolutionists Trust Their Beliefs and Not Christ?"

    Why do people choose to deny that God created the universe? In this episode, Lily calls on Ken Ham to help with the answer.

    Join Lily as she researches the answer to this question using the tru...