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Living Waters - 2020

Blind Woman Banned from Park for Sharing the Gospel

Season 1, Episode 6

Up Next in 2020: January - June

  • God Does NoT Forgive Everyone

    Ray Comfort talks with a woman who keeps hoping in God's forgiveness and love, but doesn't emphasize trusting in Christ. God doesn't forgive everyone, but he does forgive all who repent and place their trust in Jesus.

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  • Ex-Catholic Does NoT Like Catholicism...

    Ray Comfort interviews a man who was raised in the Catholic church, but learned more about it and now speaks very strongly against it.

    Visit to view more free Christian videos, articles, and to get tracts and other resources by Ray Comfort and the Living Waters team....

  • Ex-Jehovah's Witness Gets His Eyes op...

    Ray Comfort has an open-air evangelism conversation with a young man who used to go door-to-door as a Jehovah's Witness. The gospel breaks through and shows him that salvation isn't by works, but by grace through faith!

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