Living Waters - 2020
3 Seasons
Assorted Living Waters videos from 2020
Get equipped to boldly share the gospel with actual footage of street evangelists challenging people from all walks of life with the life-changing gospel message.
05:18Episode 1
September 11th & God
Episode 1
In loving memory of those who lost their lives on September 11, 2001, we are releasing this special video from a 9/11 survivor.
Angela Braxton was on the 80th floor of one of the Twin Towers when the first plane hit. In this brief video she shares of her terrifying escape from the crumbling bui...
28:50Episode 2
How to Share Jesus During This Pandemic
Episode 2
Ray Comfort and team talk.
Christian Ray Comfort vs. Intelligent Atheists!
Episode 3
Ray Comfort shows the top five most intelligent atheists he's evangelized to.
06:25Episode 4
She has her own religion
Episode 4
Ray Comfort has an evangelism encounter with a young woman who has a very unique belief system.
39:04Episode 5
The #1 reason evolution is impossible
Episode 5
There is one fatal flaw in the evolutionary worldview: the second law of thermodynamics. If everything over time gets worse, and not better, evolution is completely false. Ray Comfort expounds this and then talks with college students who believe in evolution and shares the gospel with them.
Top 5 Atheists Changing Their Minds About God's Existence!
Episode 6
Watch these five atheists change their minds about God when Ray Comfort gives them obvious evidence of God's existence.
Agnostic Recognizes Ray a Bad Way
Episode 7
Ray Comfort gets recognized by an agnostic at a college, but unfortunately, not in a good way. He isn't open to the gospel...but God can break through the hardest of hearts!
Top 5 Most Amazing Interviews with Mormons
Episode 8
Ray Comfort shows the top five most amazing evangelism encounters he's had with Mormons.
A Very Animated Agnostic and Christian Preacher Face off!
Episode 9
Ray Comfort is down at Huntington Beach preaching the gospel when a young agnostic named Jordan steps up on the box. Watch this very energetic encounter!
36:49Episode 10
Abby Johnson Speaks on Abortion at RNC
Episode 10
Abby Johnson worked for eight years at Planned Parenthood as a clinic director but resigned in october 2009. She told her story at the 2020 Republican National Conventionwhere she boldly drew back the curtains to the horror of abortion.
11:44Episode 11
Top 5 Most Moving Evangelism Interviews
Episode 11
Ray Comfort shows the top five most emotional and moving evangelism interviews he's had.
09:57Episode 12
Questioning if God wrote the Bible
Episode 12
Christian evangelist Ray Comfort talks to two young men about Jesus and gets some interesting push back from both of them.
Strong Construction Woman Gets Moved by the Gospel
Episode 13
Ray Comfort shares the gospel with a construction worker who seems to receive the Word of God well. Praise the Lord!
09:24Episode 14
Is It Really Blasphemy to Say OMG‚?
Episode 14
Ray Comfort approaches a question that many Christians and non-Christians alike bring up, and shares the gospel with a couple that claims to be Christian but lives in sin.
BIZARRE! Twins Answer the Street Preacher in Unison!
Episode 15
Ray Comfort shares the gospel with two young women who are identical twins. They're so identical that even their speech is often identical!
He Deals with Ghosts, Demons, and Witchcraft
Episode 16
Ray Comfort, a Christian evangelist, talks with a man who claims to have had many supernatural encounters.
Christian Surprises Him with the Real Reason for Racism
Episode 17
Ray Comfort discusses racism and the gospel with two friendly individuals, where he suggests the real reason for the issue of racism.
11:58Episode 18
How I Conquered Mosquitoes and Death
Episode 18
As Ray Comfort is talking with this young man, you can tell when the gospel starts making sense to him. Pray that he becomes genuinely born again!
Visit to view more free Christian videos, articles, and to get tracts and other resources by Ray Comfort and the Living ...
55:58Episode 19
How to Be Free from the Fear of Death
Episode 19
When our ministry sells 10,000 copies of a new booklet in the first three months, that's a good response. If we sell 20,000, that's phenomenal. our new booklet, How to be Free From the Fear of Death,‚ sold 137,000 in the first three months! That made us realize, because of the coronavirus, many a...
10:49Episode 20
Ray Comfort's Top 5 Best Hecklers!
Episode 20
In this video, Ray Comfort shows the top 5 best hecklers he's had during evangelism!
Get Ray's newest book all about open-air preaching here:
Visit to view more free Christian videos, articles, and to get tracts and other resources by R...
10:08Episode 21
Pointing a Disabled Ex-Gang Banger to Jesus
Episode 21
Ray Comfort has a fascinating evangelism conversations with a man who has had a rough background...but not too rough for the blood of Christ to wash away!
Visit to view more free Christian videos, articles, and to get tracts and other resources by Ray Comfort and the...
15:50Episode 22
Charles Darwin Was a Racist
Episode 22
Ray Comfort talks about the racism that Charles Darwin propagated, and then talks with a young student who used to go to church but now rejects God.
Visit to view more free Christian videos, articles, and to get tracts and other resources by Ray Comfort and the Livin...
Hot Debate Atheist Matt Dillahunty vs. Christian Ray Comfort
Episode 23
Well-known atheist Matt Dillahunty and Ray Comfort, a Christian evangelist and apologist, engage in a hot debate! You'll enjoy every minute of this.
Visit to view more free Christian videos, articles, and to get tracts and other resources by Ray Comfort and the Livin...
Should Christians Support Black Lives Matter?
Episode 24
What's so controversial about Black Lives Matter? Shouldn't everyone, especially Christians, agree with this phrase? of course. Unfortunately, though, it's much deeper than simply a phrase or statement. Black Lives Matter is an organization that Christians need to understand, especially when it c...