Living Waters - 2020
He Deals with Ghosts, Demons, and Witchcraft
Season 2, Episode 16
Ray Comfort, a Christian evangelist, talks with a man who claims to have had many supernatural encounters.
Up Next in 2020: July - September
Christian Surprises Him with the Real...
Ray Comfort discusses racism and the gospel with two friendly individuals, where he suggests the real reason for the issue of racism.
How I Conquered Mosquitoes and Death
As Ray Comfort is talking with this young man, you can tell when the gospel starts making sense to him. Pray that he becomes genuinely born again!
Visit to view more free Christian videos, articles, and to get tracts and other resources by Ray Comfort and the Living ...
How to Be Free from the Fear of Death
When our ministry sells 10,000 copies of a new booklet in the first three months, that's a good response. If we sell 20,000, that's phenomenal. our new booklet, How to be Free From the Fear of Death,‚ sold 137,000 in the first three months! That made us realize, because of the coronavirus, many a...