Living Waters - 2020
3 Seasons
Assorted Living Waters videos from 2020
Get equipped to boldly share the gospel with actual footage of street evangelists challenging people from all walks of life with the life-changing gospel message.
Halloween: The Time to Evangelize the Lost
Episode 1
Halloween is National Evangelism Day! Get great Halloween-themed tracts for your Halloween outreach.
The Gospel Didn't Make Sense Until He Heard THIS
Episode 2
A masked man at Huntington Beach suddenly understands the gospel when Ray presents it biblically.
Watch his eyes open to the truths of the Bible!
Episode 3
Ray Comfort, a Christian evangelist, talks with Rick, a man who knows a lot about the Bible, but hasn't connected all the dots. Watch his eyes open as he begins to understand what the gospel means for him specifically.
Christian, This Is Why You Aren't Conquering Sin
Episode 4
Ray Comfort interviews two people, one who claims to love the Lord but is living a very sinful life. Ray explains the biggest key to overcoming sin in the Christian life.
Christian Talks to Two Colorful Unsaved Backslidden Catholics
Episode 5
Christian Talks to Two Colorful Unsaved Backslidden Catholics
THIS Question Made Him Realize He Wasn't Going to Heaven
Episode 6
Miguel Esparza, the Director of Living Waters Espanol, shares his testimony of how God used a powerful point from Ray Comfort during a Way of the Master episode to bring him to genuine repentance and faith in Jesus!
They Challenge This Christian, But Then Are Persuaded!
Episode 7
Ray Comfort shares the gospel with three young women. At first, one woman in particular has objections to what he's saying, but Ray uses analogies and the Scriptures to help lead them to truth.
Ray Comfort Street Preaching: The Last Days Are Here
Episode 8
Ray Comfort talks with Skylar in an open-air evangelism encounter. Ray shows him how the last days are near and shares the gospel with him, urging him to repent and trust in Jesus as soon as possible.
He's Never Stolen...but He Took Part in a Robbery?!
Episode 9
Ray Comfort, E.Z., Mark, and Eddie chalk talk some exciting encounters that Ray engages in during this coronavirus pandemic. one person says he's never taken something that wasn't his...except he broke down the door during a robbery!
Atheist Changes His Mind After one Simple Question
Episode 10
Ray Comfort talks with two young people, one of them who's an atheist. They both listen carefully as he shares the gospel with them.
Non-Christians Give Street Preacher a RoUGH Time!
Episode 11
Ray Comfort gets challenges by some bold unbelievers who don't like what he's preaching about.
He said he thought he was being attacked, until he heard THIS!
Episode 12
When Ray Comfort asked this likable youth (who had lost an eye) if he would sell his eyes for a million dollars, his answer was profound.
Ray Comfort & Team Chalk-Talk a RAGING Catholic!
Episode 13
Ray, E.Z., Mark, and Eddie chalk talk an open-air evangelism encounter with a Catholic who is furious at Catholicism...and also at Ray!
14:10Episode 14
Is Lust Necessarily Wrong?
Episode 14
The official Instagram account of Pope Francis was caught liking a very sexual image...but is lust necessarily wrong? Ray Comfort then talks to people about pornography and shares the gospel with them.
Ray Comfort opens Up: He's Afraid of Evangelism
Episode 15
Ray Comfort talks about how he's a chicken when it comes to evangelism. He constantly has to fight fear.
18:27Episode 16
How Can I Know Which God Is the Real one?
Episode 16
Ray Comfort talks with an open young man who explains that he has friends that are Buddhist, atheist, can he know what the truth is? Listen to what Ray says to him as he leads him to Jesus.
12:09Episode 17
COVID-19 caused him to seek after God!
Episode 17
Ray Comfort talks with two young men, one of whom has been diving into the Scriptures during the COVID-19 quarantine. Amazing how God uses difficult circumstances to pull people to Himself!
Ray Comfort's Top 5 Scariest Evangelism Encounters
Episode 18
Ray Comfort compiles the top five most frightening moments he's had during evangelism. You'll certainly sense the tension in each one of these clips!
Tension Between Christian and HUGE Bodybuilder
Episode 19
Ray Comfort shares the gospel with a massive bodybuilder, and there's a lot of tension in the air...
06:07Episode 20
I asked these two girls, Why Jesus?‚
Episode 20
Ray Comfort asks two girls why people should follow Jesus rather than any other religion. Then, an evangelistic interview with a humble woman ends in tears of repentance.
09:54Episode 21
He asks if murder can be forgiven
Episode 21
Ray Comfort talks with a kind and gentle man who also happens to be a murderer. At the end, he humbles himself and desires to get right with God!
22:07Episode 22
NASA Hid This Because of one Bitter Atheist
Episode 22
NASA was basically forced to not show the world several Christian activities they did because of one notorious atheist woman.
A Christian Shares the Gospel with an Agnostic
Episode 23
Ray Comfort evangelizes to a young woman who doesn't know if God exists or not. Ray, E.Z., Mark, and Eddie chalk talk the evangelism encounter.
He's Looking for 70 Virgins on a Bed When He Dies
Episode 24
Ray Comfort talks with two young men about the afterlife and shares the gospel with them. They both appear to be very engaged and share some interesting thoughts!