Ray Comfort, a Christian evangelist, has some tough conversations in today's evangelism clip. He talks with a very self-righteous couple who don't think they've sinned much, and he talks with an older atheist who isn't too interested in listening to what he has to say about the gospel. And yet the Lord could still save all of them in a moment. Pray for them.
Up Next in 2021: April - June
I Have No Interest in the Bible - It'...
Ray Comfort interviews two colorful unbelievers in this evangelism clip. They both deny Christianity and don't respect the Bible.
Church Biker Group Wants Him to Stop ...
Ray Comfort interviews a colorful character who appears to be a member of a church biker group...but they want him to leave.
Humble, Unsaved Catholic Listens to R...
Ray Comfort shares the gospel with a committed but humble Catholic. Watch how he listens carefully to the gospel and to the spiritual truths Ray has to share with him. Pray for his salvation.