Ray Comfort, himself of Jewish ethnicity, shares the gospel with a Jew who holds fast to the Jewish faith. Watch how Ray points this man to the Lamb who took away the sins of the world in this evangelism clip.
Up Next in 2021: April - June
Divine Evangelism Encounter: He Has T...
Ray Comfort has a divine evangelism encounter with a man who has stage four lung cancer. In this sobering evangelism clip, Ray talks with him about the afterlife and about whether or not he knows he'll go to Heaven or Hell.
He's Been Seeking Jesus...Then Cries ...
Ray Comfort has a divine encounter with a man who was seeking Jesus just earlier that day. Watch as the Holy Spirit moves in this touching evangelism encounter, which ends in precious tears.
What made her want to repent and trus...
Ray Comfort evangelizes to two kind people who warmly receive the gospel. They didn't understand or believe the gospel beforehand, but what Ray says helps them understand their need for Jesus.