Living Waters - 2021
She Used to Read the Bible, Until She Learned This
Season 2, Episode 39
Ray Comfort talks with two kind people who have some religious beliefs, but lack genuine saving faith in Jesus. one of them used to read the Bible, but she stopped after she learned about something very difficult. Watch how Ray Comfort ministers to them in today's evangelism clip.
Up Next in 2021: April - June
Dream Come True Christian's Friend Tu...
Ray Comfort approaches two young men to share the gospel with them and finds out one of them is a Christian. His unsaved friend hears the gospel and responds in repentance and faith in Jesus! Ray also shares the gospel with a young woman who has a tender heart.
He Leaves After Ray Comfort Quotes Th...
During evangelism at Huntington Beach, Ray Comfort shares the gospel with a kind young woman, a very New Age man, and a quiet and interesting man supposedly named Dracula. You'll love seeing their responses to the gospel.
Why is one open to the gospel, but th...
Ray Comfort shares the gospel with two people at Huntington Beach. one of them is prideful and doesn't receive a word he says, while the other is humble and receives much of what he says. You'll enjoy how these two evangelism encounters are interspersed.