Living Waters - 2021

Living Waters - 2021

4 Seasons

Assorted Living Waters videos from 2021

Get equipped to boldly share the gospel with actual footage of street evangelists challenging people from all walks of life with the life-changing gospel message.

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Living Waters - 2021
  • She Stopped the Interview...Until She Heard This Analogy

    Episode 1

    Ray Comfort talks with a woman who is apart of the LGBTQ community, and says she isn't too happy with what the Bible has to say about homosexuality. She eventually asks for the interview to end. Ray pleaded that she would allow him to just share the gospel and she repeatedly declined - until he b...

  • Why Does This Atheist Refuse to Believe in the Biblical God?

    Episode 2

    Ray Comfort talks with an atheist who quickly changes his mind about god's existence... as long as he avoids the God of the Bible. Ray explains why people avoid believing in the biblical God: mainly because they're at enmity with God and have hearts that refuse to submit to His Commandments.

  • Evangelism Was Fine, Until This Made Her Lose It

    Episode 3

    Everything was going normally during this evangelism conversation, but the tension slowly begins to build as this young woman's sins become more and more exposed in light of God's Commandments. Eventually, she loses her patience, and lets Ray Comfort know how she truly feels about Christianity.

  • I'm In My 11th or 12th Incarnation.‚

    Episode 4

    In this evangelism video, Ray Comfort talks with an outgoing woman who believes in reincarnation and general spiritual teachings. Ray also talks with a kind and humble man who is convicted by his sins and seems close to getting right with the Lord.

  • Every word you said struck me to the core of my soul

    Episode 5

    Ray Comfort talks with a very humble and likable painter about the gospel. He listens intently the entire time, eager to learn more about the things of the Lord. What a precious evangelism encounter!

  • He Says Racism ISN'T Wrong

    Episode 6

    Ray Comfort talks with an extremely colorful character about the things of the Lord. At one point, he insists there is no right or wrong, and that even racism is okay "on a larger scale." Watch how Ray Comfort responds to this and many more challenging questions in this evangelism clip.

  • Ray Comfort Crashes His Car While Evangelizing

    Episode 7

    Ray Comfort crashes his car while evangelizing.

  • Ray Comfort Responds to the Gay Community

    Episode 8

    Ray Comfort responds to the gay community.

  • Pro Surfer Gets an Earful from Ray Comfort

    Episode 9

    Ray Comfort talks to multiple people about the Gospel on the HB pier. Some want to hear, and some don't.

  • Ray Comfort Found an Atheist in His Film Crew, Here's What Happened

    Episode 10

    When Ray Comfort learned that one of the members of his film crew was an atheist, he had to do something about it. He decided to share the gospel with him. Watch as he humbly considers everything Ray has to say, and pray for him as he continues to hear the gospel every week.

  • What Happened to Mario? Full Unedited Evangelism Clip

    Episode 11

    our interview with Mario is the most popularand probably the most belovedevangelism clip we've ever posted. Many people ask us what happened to him. Ray Comfort shares some more insights about his evangelism encounter with Mario, shows the entire unedited footage, and even shows some touching com...

  • Ray Comfort Confronts a Mormon

    Episode 12

    Ray Comfort talks with three different people, all who were raised in Mormonism. one of them, a practicing Mormon, says that he hopes he'll go to Heaven based on God evaluating the things he's done. But is this biblical Do we just do good works and hope it's enough? Listen to what Ray Comfort say...

  • A Divine Encounter During Evangelism!

    Episode 13

    Ray Comfort shares the gospel with a young woman who had just started reading the Bible only a couple weeks ago, and she didn't even want to be at the park that day! Watch how God works in her heart through this evangelism encounter.

  • The Mark Is Coming: No Buying or Selling

    Episode 14

    Ray Comfort talks about how the coronavirus vaccine may or may not relate to the mark of the beast. He also asks people if they've heard of the mark of the beast before leading them through the gospel.

  • How to Speak to Someone Who Was Lukewarm

    Episode 15

    Ray Comfort shares the gospel with a young man who claims to be a Christian, but lives in sin. What should someone do when they evangelize to someone like this? Listen to what Ray says.

  • Rocket Scientist Changes His Mind About God

    Episode 16

    A rocket scientist changes his mind about God.

  • You'll Stop Using the Sinner's Prayer After Watching This

    Episode 17

    After sharing the gospel with a receptive man with a Catholic background, many may wonder why Ray Comfort doesn't walk him through the sinner's prayer. At the end of this evangelism encounter, Ray explains why he doesn't: because it's unbiblical.

  • Did God Grant This Atheist's Desire?

    Episode 18

    In this evangelism clip, Ray Comfort shares the gospel with a young man named Victor who doesn't believe in Christianity or in God's existence... even though he's watched Ray's videos before. Watch how the Lord works on his heart toward the end of the video.

  • He Laughs out Loud at This Christian's Beliefs

    Episode 19

    In today's evangelism encounter, Ray Comfort shares the gospel with a social scientist who has strong beliefs regarding religion and the afterlife. Given the tension and passion during the conversation, the way this interview ends is quite surprising.

  • Girlfriend Exposes His Embarrassing Sins to Preacher!

    Episode 20

    Ray Comfort shares the gospel with a couple who actually just went to church that day for the first time in a long time. When Ray takes the man through the Ten Commandments, he seems to be pretty good at first... until his girlfriend says what's really been going on. May God do a genuine work in ...

  • The Most Compelling Evangelism Encounter in a While

    Episode 21

    In today's evangelism video, Ray Comfort shares the gospel with Joel, a kind man who has some deep thoughts about religion and morality, but is blinded to the truth of Christianity. This 19-minute interview is packed with deep insights and compelling dialogue that is sure to bless you.

  • The Crazy Reason He Thinks Ray Comfort is God

    Episode 22

    Ray Comfort talks with a colorful, passionate Hindu who stands firmly in his beliefs... including that Ray Comfort is god.

  • Ray Comfort Has Been Waiting for This Moment for Years!

    Episode 23

    Finally, after many years, Ray Comfort got to share the gospel with his neighbor, Mundeep. She has changed a lot over the years, and it seems like God may be doing a work in her life! Please pray for her salvation.

  • She Regrets Walking Away from Her Faith

    Episode 24

    Jennifer, a young girl, gets very transparent and honest during this evangelism encounter. She receives the gospel well. May she come back to God and find genuine salvation in Christ.