Living Waters - 2021
Transgender Tells Ray Comfort He Can't Judge
Season 3, Episode 29
Ray Comfort shares the gospel with two interesting people. one person, a transgender, tells Ray that he isn't in a position to judge anyone. The other, a man named Ron, speaks boldly about spiritual matters and has a very colorful evangelism interview.
Up Next in 2021: July - September
This Is What Happens When You Evangel...
Ray Comfort hits the streets of Compton to reach souls for Christ through evangelism. He talks with gang members who admit to using guns and being shot at. Remarkably, one of the gang members listens closely and is convinced that God sent Ray to speak to them.
I'm Really Trying to Go to Heaven‚
Ray Comfort talks with four young men in this evangelism video. one of them is particularly humble and focused, and clearly cares a lot about the Bible and eternity. He even says that he wants to make sure his friends to go Heaven too.
You Guys Are a Religious Cult!
In today's evangelism clip, Ray Comfort talks with a very colorful individual who has some passionate thoughts about the Bible. Even though Ray barely mentioned anything about Christianity, this man was angry, abrupt, and convinced that Ray was a part of a religious cult. Ray also shares the gosp...
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