Living Waters - 2021
4 Seasons
Assorted Living Waters videos from 2021
Get equipped to boldly share the gospel with actual footage of street evangelists challenging people from all walks of life with the life-changing gospel message.
Betty White Dies at 99. The Key to Her LoNG Life.
Episode 1
Betty White dies at the age of 99. What was the key to her long life "avoiding anything green"?
Ray also shares the gospel with some street evangelism.
11:39Episode 2
Is Marilyn Manson a Christian Now?
Episode 2
There's been some talk of Marilyn Manson possibly being a Christian now. This would be wonderfulwe want nothing more than for Marilyn Manson to be saved. But is he truly a Christian? Ray Comfort talks about this, then shares the gospel with a young man who believes he's saved, but appears to be d...
Why People HATE Tim Tebow's Faith, but Not Steph Curry's
Episode 3
Tim Tebow and Steph Curry are two of the most well-known outspoken Christian athletes, but for some reason it seems like Tim Tebow is more controversial and divisive than Steph Curry. Why is this? Ray Comfort explores this interesting question from the Scriptures, and then asks people their thoug...
Can You Name All of the Ten Commandments for $100?
Episode 4
Ray Comfort approaches people and offers them $100 if they can name all of the Ten Commandments. He then uses this as a springboard to talk about the gospel: where people will go when they die, the wages of sin, and what God did to save us from sin and its wages and to restore our relationship wi...
Why was Joel osteen cussed out at a restaurant?
Episode 5
Joel osteen was horribly insulted at a restaurant recently. Why would someone do that?
Ray also shares the gospel with some street evangelism.
Is This New United Nations Statue Fulfilling Biblical Prophecies?
Episode 6
The United Nations recently erected a statue of a jaguar/eagle-looking beast as a sign of international peace and security. But is it actually a fulfillment of biblical prophecies given in the book of Daniel and Revelation? Ray Comfort discusses this topic and then shares the gospel with a man wh...
The 3 Worst Arguments Against Christianity I've Ever Heard
Episode 7
Ray Comfort has heard a lot of arguments against Christianity in his 50+ years of evangelism; here's some of the worst he's ever heard, and why they're wrong. He then shows evangelism clips where these very same anti-Christian arguments are used, as well as what he says in response.
Everyone Thinks This Exists. The Bible Says Nope
Episode 8
Everyone, including many Christians, believe this one thing exists, but the Bible makes it clear that it doesn't. After Ray Comfort explains the topic, he talks about it with a woman during an evangelism conversation.
This Is What's Wrong With other Religions (December, 2021)
Episode 9
other religions may seem similar to Christianity, but they're all lacking one critical component. Ray Comfort expands on this important point, and then addresses this same topic in an evangelism conversation.
If Only More Christians Sought These 7 Things...
Episode 10
There are seven things that Ray Comfort seeks God for constantly. When you're praying, you should consider asking God for these things too. Ray goes into depth on what he prays for, as well as how God has answered those prayers. He then shares the gospel with a man who doesn't really pray to God,...
Every Young Christian Should Watch This Video
Episode 11
Ray Comfort shares an important word for young Christians: devoting your time to things of this world is vain. He then shows an evangelism encounter with two individuals at Huntington Beach where Ray uses a fake stack of $20,000 to make an important point.
What This Christian Did in His Last Moments Will Shock You
Episode 12
Ray Comfort talks about the life and incredible last moments of Rickey Daniel Baker, a young Christian man who was shot multiple times by robbers. Ray then talks with two young, attentive people about the gospel in an evangelism conversation.
How an Atheist Made Cops Come to Ray's House (and What God Taught Him)
Episode 13
Ray Comfort is no stranger to getting in trouble with atheists. But there was one instance that particularly stood out: an atheist crafted a clever scheme to get thousands, both Christians and non-Christians, to mock Ray... and even got the police involved. While this situation was by no means ea...
Arnold Schwarzenegger Told Me one Word & Changed My Life
Episode 14
one day, Ray Comfort actually ran into Arnold Schwarzenegger. Arnie told him just one word, and that one word has stuck with him to this day in a good way: a way that has permanently reminded him of one important principle in evangelism. Ray shares this story and then shows an evangelism encounte...
17:00Episode 15
God Won't Hear Your Prayers if You Do This
Episode 15
The Bible tells us that there's three ways to make God not hear our prayers. Ray Comfort address these three things, and then shares the gospel with two people who end up listening well to the message of the Bible.
09:22Episode 16
The #1 Reason Why Christians Don't Prosper
Episode 16
There's one big problem that many Christians seem to have in their life that prevents them from receiving the spiritual prosperity that the Lord wants them to have. Chances are, this problem is affecting you, too. Ray discusses the key to thriving as a believer and then shares the gospel with a m...
The Reason Why Judas Is My Favorite Disciple By Far
Episode 17
Ray Comfort explains why by far his favorite disciple is Judas.
Christian Demolishes Big Bang Theory in Seconds
Episode 18
Successful evangelism isn't about how many people you can win to Christ; it's about being faithful to share the gospel biblically. In this evangelism video, Ray Comfort walks through an evangelism encounter with a young man and explains the biblical basis behind what he's saying.
17:03Episode 19
Do This and Your Faith Will Crumble
Episode 19
Did you know that there's a difference between faith and belief in God? Someone with common sense can believe in God, but many people lack true faith in Him. Why? There's a common disease that Ray Comfort has observed that has spread to many, causing them to often lose their faith entirely. After...
THIS is the Hidden Cause of Chronic Depression
Episode 20
Before you finish reading this, one individual will have ended their life by suicide because they think they have no other choice. According to the World Health organization, a massive 800,000 people take their lives every yearone death every 40 seconds. That's over 2,000 a day. For millions who...
Christians Have Already Been Delivered from These 4 Things
Episode 21
In 2 Timothy 4:17, Paul talks about being delivered from the mouth of a lion. What lions have Christians been delivered from? Ray Comfort shares four things that Christians have already overcome in Christ.
1:57:25Episode 22
Ray Comfort & Team Live Podcast + Q&A!
Episode 22
Ray Comfort, Emeal (E.Z.‚) Zwayne, Mark Spence, and oscar Navarro are LIVE filming an episode of The Living Waters Podcast and doing a Q&;A afterward! This is a livestream that you don't want to miss.
You'll Be Shocked by What Young People Think About Morality
Episode 23
Society's views on morality have changed rapidly in recent years. What used to be plain to everyone via our God-given conscience is now questioned, challenged, and even disagreed with. This evangelism conversation will open your eyes to the rapid moral downfall of our culture and will also show y...
13:34Episode 24
He Reminds Ray Comfort of Himself...
Episode 24
Ray Comfort shares the gospel with a young and thoughtful man. He reminds Ray of himself since Ray wondered the same things when he was younger and because he also looked similar! Watch how this deep-thinker responds to the gospel: you'll be surprised by the ending.