Living Waters - 2022
4 Seasons
Assorted Living Waters videos from 2022
Get equipped to boldly share the gospel with actual footage of street evangelists challenging people from all walks of life with the life-changing gospel message.
Abortion Debate Pro-Lifer Vs. Pro-Choice BLM Advocate
Episode 1
Mark Spence, a pro-life Christian and Senior Vice President of Living Waters, engages in a public debate on abortion with a pro-choice Black Lives Matter advocate. Mark then directs the conversation toward where it matters most: straight to the glorious gospel. Enjoy this unique evangelism encoun...
18:50Episode 2
Gender Is Fluid Until You Bring THIS Up
Episode 2
Mark Spence, the Senior Vice President of Living Waters, hits the streets to talk to people about gender, identity, abortion, and other controversial topics from a Christian worldview. You'll be fascinatedand also grievedby many of the responses you'll hear. Mark Spence then shares the gospel.
14:17Episode 3
Too Many Christians Believe This Lie
Episode 3
Mark Spence, a Christian, has a conversation about current moral issues with two men at Huntington Beach. one of them, a professing Christian, has some interesting beliefs about these issues that Mark needed to address biblically. He then takes the conversation to the place that matters most: the...
Hollywood Will Regret Treating Satan Like a Joke...
Episode 4
Hollywood has produced a new TV show called Little Demon,‚ which makes light of Satan, the demonic realm, and even the antichrist. This is simply shocking to say the least, but it's simply proof of how much this world loves darkness and hates the Light. In this video, Ray Comfort comments on the ...
10:51Episode 5
Sam Passed Away Today.
Episode 5
Ray Comfort's dog, Sam, passed on october 18, 2022, after 13 wonderful years. God used Sam as an amazing tool to bring the gospel to the lost.
He Was About to Hit the Preacher, Then This Happens...
Episode 6
Ray Comfort gets in an extremely heated evangelism conversation with a man who does not like what he's saying at all. Eventually, the man walks toward the preacher ready to hit him, but then Ray says something very interesting...
Queen Elizabeth Dead at 96: Is She In Heaven?
Episode 7
Queen Elizabeth just passed away at 96 years old. The question on any Christian's mind should be this: Is she in Heaven? Did she know the Lord?
Ray Comfort looks at past footage of the Queen where she discusses her faith, and looks at what other notable people have said about her walk with Jesus...
Pastor Furious Beacuse His Church Wouldn't Buy Him a Watch
Episode 8
Pastor Furious Beacuse His Church Wouldn't Buy Him a Watch
Christian Surprises Evolutionist When He Mentions This Critical Flaw
Episode 9
Evolution has a huge blunder that nobody has seemed to notice. In fact, did you know that Jesus demolished evolution in just one sentence? Ray Comfort addresses the topic of evolution, and then shares the gospel with an evolutionist whose mind is opened by the truths Ray shares. Be careful: this ...
Jewish Man Gets Fired Up When Christian Mentions Jesus!
Episode 10
Emeal ("E.Z.") Zwayne, the President of Living Waters, shares the gospel with a colorful man who happens to be a Jew. As he shares his faith more and more, it's clear that Davin didn't like one very, very important word that E.Z. kept alluding to, and the more E.Z. used this word, the more the ma...
He Told Me to Delete This Video. Here's Why I Didn't.
Episode 11
As Ray Comfort was in the middle of an evangelism conversation with this man, he said that he no longer wanted the conversation to continue and requested that the footage be deleted. But something caused the man to continue talking with Ray, and lead to Ray continuing to record as well. Watch wha...
17:10Episode 12
THIS Is Why I Hate Prosperity Preaching
Episode 12
Even though prosperity is a topic that is mentioned throughout Scripture, prosperity preaching isn't biblical preaching. Why? In this video, Ray Comfort shares his thoughts on prosperity preaching, and talks to a woman who appears to be caught in its trap.
14:29Episode 13
This one Plant PRoVES God's Existence
Episode 13
You will be shocked by the fascinating mechanisms of one particular plant that God created. It is so incredible, that one can't help but acknowledge the Creator's handiwork. Ray Comfort discuss this plant, and uses it as a conversation starter as he shares the gospel at a college campus.
Every Christian Should Try This odd Trick Before Bed
Episode 14
Millions of people struggle with falling asleep at night. Ray Comfort knows this battle all too well. In this video, he gives some wildyet somehow effectivetips to help you fall asleep faster than you'd imagine. He then gets people's thoughts on sleep and uses it as a topic to transition into the...
His Friend Tried To Pull Him Away. Watch What Happened
Episode 15
often times it can challenging to witness to two individuals at the same time. What Ray Comfort did was important. He followed along with the guy who was the most interested. It is important to not neglect the other individual because the word of God will not return void. Did his friend that was ...
Watch This Atheist Change Her Mind In Two Minutes
Episode 16
As Ray Comfort talks to this college student she claims she's an Atheist. Through some common reasoning, Ray shows her how foolish atheism truly is. The fact that they believe the unscientific thing is that nothing created everything is absurd thinking. She quickly sees how incorrect her line of ...
11:35Episode 17
Is This Where God Definitely Sinned?
Episode 17
Is This Where God Definitely Sinned?
Satan Does This RIGHT When I Get to the Gospel...
Episode 18
over the years, Ray Comfort has witnessed the devil do something very often when he's out evangelizing, and this video is a clear example of it taking place. But we shouldn't be surprised, because the Bible actually tells us that this would happen.
10:06Episode 19
Watch His Wife's Amazing Reaction
Episode 19
Ray Comfort talks with a man named Angel and shares the gospel with him. Near the end, Angel ends up being very receptive to the message, causing his wife, listening from behind, to give a very heartwarming reaction. Sharing the gospel has its challenges, but today was the fruit of Angel's wife's...
08:43Episode 20
She Told Me What Put Her In A Wheelchair
Episode 20
She Told Me What Put Her In A Wheelchair
Warning Christians You NEED to See This Troubling Conversation
Episode 21
Most Christians will be surprised at how quickly people's thoughts on morality and truth are plummeting. In this video, Mark Spence talks with a man who is passionate that there is no right or wrong. Watch how Mark handles this conversation and leads the man straight to the cross.
03:06Episode 22
An Urgent Message from Ray Comfort
Episode 22
We are aware that King Charles is not born again. But on May 6, 2023, King Charles III will have his royal coronation ceremony broadcast throughout the entire world. It will unquestionably be one of the most-watched events of our day and age. Please listen to this message by Ray Comfort about an ...
13:54Episode 23
Ray Comfort's New Dog Has Arrived!
Episode 23
After Ray Comfort's faithful dog Sam passed away, we were overwhelmed by the support and kindness that you all sent to Ray and Living Waters. We're very excited to introduce Ray's new dog, and we pray that the Lord uses her to bring the gospel to many people! This video also includes a compelling...