Living Waters - 2022
4 Seasons
Assorted Living Waters videos from 2022
Get equipped to boldly share the gospel with actual footage of street evangelists challenging people from all walks of life with the life-changing gospel message.
The Queen’s faith in Jesus. What They’re Not Telling You.
Episode 1
The Queen’s faith in Jesus. What They’re Not Telling You.
Catholic Priest Resigned Because He Said ONE WORD Incorrectly
Episode 2
A Catholic priest resigned after the Catholic Church invalidated thousands of baptisms he performed... all because he said one word incorrectly. But is this biblical? Ray comfort shares his thoughts on this situation, infant baptism, and Catholicism in general. He then shares the gospel with a Ca...
Atheist Held Over Bottomless Pit in Near-Death Experience
Episode 3
Ray Comfort looks at several near-death experiences to answer an important question: as Christians, should we believe them? Or could there be something deeper going on that we should be on guard about? Ray looks carefully at the Scriptures to examine this topic, and then shares the gospel with so...
14:55Episode 4
Pride Month A Sign of the Last Days
Episode 4
Does pride month have anything to do with the last days according to the Bible? You may be surprised. Ray Comfort looks more into the relationship between pride month, the rainbow, and end times, then uses end times prophecies to start gospel conversations with college students.