Living Waters 2023

Living Waters 2023

4 Seasons

Assorted Living Waters videos from 2023

Get equipped to boldly share the gospel with actual footage of street evangelists challenging people from all walks of life with the life-changing gospel message.

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Living Waters 2023
  • LIVE Christian Commentary on the Coronation! Coronation outreach

    Episode 1

    Ray Comfort and Emeal (E.Z.‚) Zwayne, the President of Living Waters, will be giving live commentary on King Charles III's Coronation and watching it while it happens! They'll also be video calling with our on-the-ground correspondent in London, Ben Price, giving away dozens of Evidence Study Bib...

  • This Is What TRUE Revival Looks Like

    Episode 2

    Do you want to experience personal revival in your walk with the Lord? In this video recording of The Living Waters Podcast, Ray Comfort and the team explain how you can do just that.

  • Ray Comfort Gives the Audience an URGENT Warning

    Episode 3

    Earlier this month, Ray Comfort preached a sermon at Jack Hibbs' church, Calvary Chapel Chino Hills, where he talks about an essential aspect of the Christian faith: the fear of God.

  • She Admitted She Spoke to Demons, Then This Happened...

    Episode 4

    Ray Comfort talks with a woman who says that she talks with familiar spirits‚... which the Bible says are demons.

  • Atheist Tries to Stop the Gospel, Then This Happens!

    Episode 5

    While Ray Comfort is in the middle of sharing the gospel with a young girl, a persistent atheist interrupts the interview off-camera, urging the woman to not believe a word that he says. But watch what ends up happening to the atheist.

  • Ray Comfort Blasts Andy Stanley. Says He Should Get out of the Pulpit

    Episode 6

    Andy Stanley has been saying a lot of interesting things recently. Ray Comfort finally decided to answer the question: is Andy Stanley a false teacher?

  • Pro-Choice Activists Will HATE This Video...

    Episode 7

    You were you from the moment of conceptiona unique human being who will never be repeated in all of human history. Abortion is one of the most hotly debated and complex topics in the world. Hitting the streets with common-sense reasoning, Mark Spence, Ray Comfort, and Emeal (E.Z.‚) Zwayne use sci...

  • THIS Happened While the King Was Being Crowned

    Episode 8

    Join Ray Comfort at the Coronation of the King. Thank you so much to the 21,000+ people who made the Coronation outreach - operation London possible. We are so grateful for your support and prayers. God did a mighty work this weekend!

  • Lucy Was Almost Killed. Here's What Happened

    Episode 9

    Lucy Was Almost Killed. Here's What Happened. This was way too close of a call...

  • Evolution vs. God Uncensored Expanded and Updated Full Movie

    Episode 10

    In Evolution vs. God, you'll hear expert testimony from leading evolutionary scientists from some of the world's top universities:

    ‚ √Ѭ¢ Peter Nonacs, Professor, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, UCLA
    ‚ √Ѭ¢ Craig Stanford, Professor, Biological Sciences and Anthropology, USC
    ‚ √Ѭ¢ PZ Myers,...