Living Waters 2023
4 Seasons
Assorted Living Waters videos from 2023
Get equipped to boldly share the gospel with actual footage of street evangelists challenging people from all walks of life with the life-changing gospel message.
Arnold Schwarzenegger's Lies About God NEED to Be Stopped NoW
Episode 1
Arnold Schwarzenegger was recently in the news for his views on the afterlife, but unfortunately, he's dead wrong. Ray Comfort shares a personal plea with Arnold Schwarzenegger, exposes the problem with his beliefs, and then shows some compelling conversations that he had with people at Huntingto...
Politico Uncovers Ray Comfort's Link to US House Speaker, Mike Johnson
Episode 2
You and Living Waters were recently targeted by Politico. What was your reaction to the article?
Conflict gets news articles read, and this created conflict. However, the video to which they linked is a most loving interaction I had with two homosexuals who both listened respectably, and were cl...
The BIG Problem with Elon Musk's New Israel-Hamas Plan
Episode 3
Elon Musk recently revealed his thoughts on peace in the Middle East and the Israel-Hamas warbut Ray Comfort points out an important issue with Musk's perspective. This video explores Elon Musk's dialogue, then shows an evangelism conversation that Ray had with a young atheist, and ends with Ray ...
Christians, You NEED to Watch This Video About Aliens
Episode 4
Has there been a surge of new evidence supporting the existence of aliens? How should Christians think about this, and what does the Bible have to say? Listen in as the Living Waters team discusses this topic.
11:52Episode 5
I Might End Up Deleting This Interview.
Episode 5
Ray Comfort had four very difficult evangelism encounters in a row, and nearly deleted all of these.
These Five Bible Verses Made Her LEAVE Christianity
Episode 6
Ray Comfort addresses a young woman's five objections to the Christian faith and why she left, including the five main Bible verses that she had a problem with. Ray then shares the gospel with a man who brings up many issues that he has with God.
Is the New House Speaker, Mike Johnson, a GENUINE Christian
Episode 7
Today, Mike Johnson just became the new House Speakerthe third highest position in America. But is he a genuine Christian? Ray Comfort gives some commentary on this topic, shows footage of Mike Johnson's address from today, and uses the phrase, In God We Trust‚ as a springboard to share the gospe...
Why MANY Believe the Israel-Hamas War Will Lead to the Antichrist's Coming
Episode 8
Listen in as Ray Comfort discusses key biblical prophecies related to the antichrist, and how it could apply to the current ongoing Israel-Hamas war. He then uses prophecies as a stepping stool to talk to unbelievers about the antichrist, Satan, and the gospel. At the end of this video, Ray share...
Israel-Hamas War Fascinating Bible Prophecies!
Episode 9
Ray Comfort shows how the Israel-Hamas war relates to biblical prophecies and also talks with students about the topic. Please be in prayer over the Middle East.
02:39Episode 10
Halloween: The Time to Evangelize the Lost
Episode 10
Halloween is National Evangelism Day! Get great Halloween-themed tracts for your Halloween outreach.
24:16Episode 11
Dear Dennis Prager Here s Why You're Wrong
Episode 11
Ray Comfort calls out Dennis Prager...
The one Question to End Abortion - WHAT IS IT? (Full Movie)
Episode 12
You were you from the moment of fertilizationa unique human being who will never be repeated in all of human history. Abortion is one of the most hotly debated and complex topics in the world. Hitting the streets with common-sense reasoning, Mark Spence, Ray Comfort, and Emeal (E.Z.‚) Zwayne use ...
12:59Episode 13
Two Lies Christians MUST Stop Believing.
Episode 13
Ray Comfort addresses two common mistakes that Christians commit regularly...and they're both probably quite controversial.