Living Waters 2024

Living Waters 2024

4 Seasons

Get equipped to boldly share the gospel with actual footage of street evangelists challenging people from all walks of life with the life-changing gospel message.

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Living Waters 2024
  • He Came Back 10 Years Later to Apologize to Ray Comfort...

    Episode 1

    This man stormed off from Ray Comfort over 10 years ago, but then came back to say this...

  • Lesbian Atheist Soccer Player Publicly Mocks God (Big Mistake)

    Episode 2

    Megan Rapinoe had an injury during her final soccer match, and had some controversial thoughts to share about God

    Ray Comfort discusses what she says, then interviews college students about Megan Rapinoe and God.

  • The Dark History of OMG‚ (Why You Should NEVER Use It)

    Episode 3

    The common phrase oMG‚ is not as innocent as many would think...

  • Christians, You MUST Know This About Trump and Biden

    Episode 4

    In this video, Ray Comfort takes a deep dive into the faith of Donald Trump and President Joe Biden. He also hits the streets to ask people for their thoughts on Trump and Biden, using it as a springboard to share the gospel with them.

  • Is This Viral NFL Quarterback ACTUALLY a Christian (Brock Purdy)

    Episode 5

    Is Brock Purdy, the Quarterback for the San Francisco 49ers, actually a Christian? Ray Comfort answers this question, and shares a whole lot more about the Super Bowl, too: how to share the gospel during the Super Bowl, how to use the Super Bowl or Brock Purdy as a springboard for the gospel, whe...

  • He Began Weeping once He Understood His Sin

    Episode 6

    once the Christian preacher said this, he finally understood his sin and began weeping.

    Ray Comfort shares the gospel with a humble young man who is deeply remorseful once he understands the gravity of his sinsas revealed by the Ten Commandmentsin light of what Jesus did for him on the cross.

  • How This MASSIVE Cult Is Deceiving MILLIoNS.

    Episode 7

    This huge cult does some twisted things to recruit people. Ray Comfort exposes the tactics Jehovah's Witnesses use to bring people into their false religious system, and then shares the biblical gospel with a few different Jehovah's Witnesses.

  • Christian Vs. The Most LIKABLE Atheist Ever!

    Episode 8

    This atheist is so sweet, you'll be completely shocked. In this evangelism video, Ray Comfort shares the gospel with Nathan and Jacob. Jacob is a committed atheist who insists that nothing was in the beginning, but watch as he admits that his mind changes about there being a God as Ray witnesses ...

  • I Was Sharing the Gospel, Then Things Got Scary

    Episode 9

    Ray Comfort was so scared that he began nervously laughing... After an evangelism encounter with a young man came to an abrupt end, the young man's father began getting aggressive with Ray. Ray was so scared that his instinct was to nervously laugh. May God soften their hearts.

  • Exposing the BLATANT Lies Catholics Are Telling You

    Episode 10

    In this video, Ray Comfort responds to criticism he's received from Catholics. He addresses infant baptism, baptismal regeneration, the myth of Jesus starting the Catholic Church, and more. He then shares footage of him sharing the biblical gospelsalvation by grace alone through faith alone in Je...

  • JerUSAlem Armageddon, America, and the Last Days

    Episode 11

    Where does America stand in the timeline of biblical prophecy? Why is the United States so tightly tied to the State of Israel? What are the irrefutable signs of the end of the age? If you know your Bible, you will know that the compass of prophecy always points toward the city of Jerusalem. That...

  • Christians, Watch This Video Before 2024

    Episode 12

    Christians, don't miss Ray Comfort's predictions and exhortations for 2024.

  • He Curses Israel, Then This INSTANTLY Happens

    Episode 13

    Turkish MP Hasan Bitmez pronounced a curse upon Israel in the name of Allah, and then something shocking happened right afterward...

    Ray Comfort then interviews college students asking them their thoughts on the situation, as well as if they believe that God was the one who caused this to happen...

  • This Catholic Tracked Ray Comfort Down JUST to Debate Him...

    Episode 14

    A well-educated Catholic came to Huntington Beach just so that he could set Ray Comfort straight when it comes to Catholicism, and an extremely interesting conversation ensued!

    You can find the video where Ray Comfort responded to a prominent Catholic's criticisms (the video that Ray mentioned i...