This huge cult does some twisted things to recruit people. Ray Comfort exposes the tactics Jehovah's Witnesses use to bring people into their false religious system, and then shares the biblical gospel with a few different Jehovah's Witnesses.
Up Next in Assorted Living Waters Videos from January 2024 - March 2024
Christian Vs. The Most LIKABLE Atheis...
This atheist is so sweet, you'll be completely shocked. In this evangelism video, Ray Comfort shares the gospel with Nathan and Jacob. Jacob is a committed atheist who insists that nothing was in the beginning, but watch as he admits that his mind changes about there being a God as Ray witnesses ...
I Was Sharing the Gospel, Then Things...
Ray Comfort was so scared that he began nervously laughing... After an evangelism encounter with a young man came to an abrupt end, the young man's father began getting aggressive with Ray. Ray was so scared that his instinct was to nervously laugh. May God soften their hearts.
Exposing the BLATANT Lies Catholics A...
In this video, Ray Comfort responds to criticism he's received from Catholics. He addresses infant baptism, baptismal regeneration, the myth of Jesus starting the Catholic Church, and more. He then shares footage of him sharing the biblical gospelsalvation by grace alone through faith alone in Je...