Living Waters 2024

Living Waters 2024

4 Seasons

Get equipped to boldly share the gospel with actual footage of street evangelists challenging people from all walks of life with the life-changing gospel message.

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Living Waters 2024
  • September 11th & God

    Episode 1

    In loving memory of those who lost their lives on September 11, 2001, we are releasing this special video from a 9/11 survivor.

    Angela Braxton was on the 80th floor of one of the Twin Towers when the first plane hit. In this brief video she shares of her terrifying escape from the crumbling bui...

  • Biden Caused The Enemies of God To Blaspheme

    Episode 2

    The anticipated news has finally arrived: President Joe Biden has announced that he will not run for another term. Ray Comfort highlights that these are troubling times and suggests that when people mock God, good things often do not follow. Watch as Ray uses these current events as a springboard...

  • Is This Evidence God Saved Trump From a Bullet

    Episode 3

    The failed assassination attempt proves the tragic result of a nation that is forsaken God. In light of the shocking failed attempt of presidential candidate Donald J. Trump's life, Ray Comfort shares his thoughts on why the world is suddenly talking about God.

    Is This Evidence God Saved Trump ...

  • Beware of These Traps Satan Uses Against Believers

    Episode 4

    In this eye-opening episode, Ray Comfort, E.Z. Zwayne, Mark Spence, and oscar Navarro dive deep into the deceptive tactics of Satan, the "angel of light." Discover how the enemy disguises himself to mislead and deceive people, and learn how to stand firm in your faith amidst these spiritual battles.

  • Tucker Says Supernatural Beings Are Taking Physical Form. Here's What He Means.

    Episode 5

    In this video, you'll see a very honest and candid conversation with the famous news personality Tucker Carlson. He shares some interesting thoughts on the spiritual realm and the wisdom of Bible believers. Stay tuned until the end to find out why he says what he says.

  • Here's What People REALLY Think About The Presidential Debate

    Episode 6

    That debate was certainly interesting to watch. As Christians, we need to remember that no matter who becomes president, Christ remains our king. Based on tonight's debate, who do you think won? Stay tuned to find out how you can collect our latest tract free of charge!

  • They Are Suing to Get the Ten Commandments oUT of Schools

    Episode 7

    Despite the cultural shift away from the Godly principles our founding fathers established, we should not lose hope. The ACLU's lawsuit is inadvertently drawing more attention to God's moral laws, the Ten Commandments. Watch the rest of the video to find out why I sent them a huge gift basket...

  • How to Avoid Becoming a Hypocrite. A Christian Must Watch.

    Episode 8

    Nobody likes a hypocrite! In this video, the Living Waters crew dives into what marks, defines, and results in living a hypocritical lifestyle and faith. Jesus never said to follow the sheep; He said to follow Him. Dive into the rich video podcast format with Ray Comfort, Emeal "E.Z." Zwayne, Mar...

  • Wildly Popular People Are Reading THIS Book Because of This...

    Episode 9

    Wildly Popular People Are Reading THIS Book Because of This...

  • Logan Paul Needed to Hear This, But He Didn't, So Here It Goes

    Episode 10

    In this video, Ray Comfort shares his insights on a compelling conversation between Internet personality and wrestler Logan Paul and Evangelist Pastor Cliffe Knechtle. Ray suggests effective ways to engage with Logan Paul by appealing to his conscience rather than his intellect. Additionally, Ray...

  • Christians, You MUST Know This About A.I.'s NEW Plan.

    Episode 11

    Artificial intelligence technology has brought about both positive and negative developments. In this video, our team, Ray Comfort, E.Z. Zwayne, Mark Spence, and oscar Navarro will explore how Christians should respond to this rapidly evolving culture. We will also discuss Elon Musk's intentions ...

  • The Pope Blew It Big Time When He Said This

    Episode 12

    A seemingly mild interview with Pope Francis quickly takes a disturbing turn when he admits to something that contradicts the core teachings of Jesus and the gospel message. Discover what Pope Francis said and learn what we can do in response.

  • What Does the Bible Actually Say About Slavery

    Episode 13

    one of the most common arguments against the Bible concerns its stance on "slavery." At first glance, the word "slavery" seems identical to our modern understanding, particularly the tragic results of the Atlantic slave trade. However, after some research, it becomes clear that the Bible is discu...

  • Stormy Daniels Admits She's Into Demons

    Episode 14

    In this eye-opening video, Ray Comfort dives into a surprising revelation from Stormy Daniels about her interest in demons. Following this intriguing topic, Ray takes the conversation deeper as he shares the Gospel with an interesting character at the Huntington Beach Pier. Witness a blend of sho...