Living Waters - Older Years
Assorted Living Waters videos from 2006 to 2019
Get equipped to boldly share the gospel with actual footage of street evangelists challenging people from all walks of life with the life-changing gospel message.
Crazy Bible
The Bible is full of crazy stories…things that sound like fairy tales on par with Cinderella's coach turning into a pumpkin at midnight.
I Serve Lucifer, Love Pain, and Want to Go to Hell.
Ray Comfort pleads with Todd the Luciferian to come to his senses.
Eloquent Atheist Goes Off on Christian!
What do you say when an enraged atheist raises strong objections against God and the Bible as he debates this Christian preacher, Ray Comfort? Watch this and see.
Kirk Cameron Talks with Gang Members
Watch this on-the-street witness encounter and watch the use of God's Law (Ten Commandments) get put into practice as Kirk witnesses to gang members at Santa Monica, Southern California.
Kirk Cameron & Gang Member - 5 Years Later...
An update on the gang member that confronted Kirk Cameron...5 years earlier.
Kanye West Said WHAT at Joel osteen's Church?!
Kanye West spoke at Joel osteen's church yesterday and said some interesting things. Ray Comfort uses this news topic to springboard into the gospel.
She Used to Be a Christian Until She Learned This...
Ray Comfort pleads with an ex-Christian to understand the seriousness of sin so that she can see the preciousness of the Savior.
Christian gives ONE answer that closes pro-choicer's mouth
Ray Comfort challenges a pro-choicer's beliefs and uses the sensitive topic of abortion as a springboard to share the gospel.
Bold Preacher Calls out a False Prophet!
Ray Comfort and Andrew Rappaport open-air preach to an extremely fascinating man who claims to be a prophet of God. You don't want to miss this wild encounter.
She Laughs at First...Then the Preacher Says This
Ray Comfort preaches the gospel to Jessica. She laughs at first, but then something makes her stop laughing.
Ex-Abortion Doctor Tells The SHoCKING Truth About Abortion
A doctor who used to perform abortions, Dr. Levatino, testifies in court about the SHoCKING truth about abortions.
If you think God doesn't exist, WATCH THIS.
This interview could change the way that you view God, whether you believe in Him or not.
Indonesia tsunami 2018 - Man begs people to flee
An Indonesian man pleads with people to run from a tsunami that they can't see. May we have the hearts to do the samepleading with the lost to flee from the wrath to come. This was the Indonesia tsunami in September 2018.
Youth Pastor's Son Loses His Cool with Ray
A youth pastor's son gets frustrated and combative as Ray shares the gospel with him.
A Lesbian Atheist Changes her Mind
Ray reasons with two people, offering a simple scientific line of reasoning that points to the obvious reality of God's existence.
An Eloquent Atheist Changes His Mind
Ray Comfort evangelizes with an eloquent atheist that changes his mind. A fascinating dialogue.
I'm Gay and I Go To Church
In this clip we'll meet Daniel, who goes to church and is gay, but thinks God is okay with his lifestyle. He is interviewed by Ray Comfort.
Are You a Good Person?
There are a lot of important questions to ask yourself in life, but none more than if you're a good person, and then...if you're "good enough" to get into Heaven. Follow Joe Average on his journey.
Michael Jackson's REAL cause of death! [OFFICIAL]
What really happened to the king of pop?
Here is a very clear and clever message shared by Ray Comfort on Hollywood Blvd in front of Michael Jackson's star.
Why do people die and what happens after we pass on?
The "Fair Use" law allows us to teach from the MJ clips/pictures used, without v...
A Lesson from The Moment of Truth
This is a powerful lesson from Ray Comfort and the very popular television program The Moment of Truth.