Celebrities Are Realizing Why Atheism Doesn’t Work. This Is Why.
Living Waters
Rainn Wilson, best known for his role as Dwight Schrute on The Office, recently opened up about his journey away from atheism, explaining why it didn’t align with his experiences of life’s profound mysteries. In this video, we delve into his candid reflections and contrast them with an atheist’s attempt to redefine the concept of sin, presenting it as nothing more than "missing the mark."
Discover the biblical truth about sin, the moral law, and how humanity’s dismissal of God’s standards reveals the heart of our need for a Savior. Witness a powerful evangelistic encounter that highlights God’s love, justice, and the urgency of repentance. Finally, hear Rainn’s compelling answer to the question, “Why are you not an atheist?”—a response that points to the inescapable evidence of God in creation and human consciousness.
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