Brandan Robertson, a popular online preacher,‚ has boldly spoken many heresies that clearly go against the truths of God's Word. In this shocking clipliterallyhe is speaking more lies to his audience, when lightning strikes and startles him and the entire audience. Ray Comfort reacts to this clip, then shows footage of what happens when you faithfully speak about what the Bible actually says regarding homosexuality and other sexual sins.
Up Next in Living Waters
Is Ray Comfort Worth $20,000,000?
Is Ray Comfort worth millions of dollars? According to many online sources, he is. Ray addresses these sources and claims by doing something quite unorthodox: giving you a tour through his personal home and ministry headquarters.
The Most Bizarre Evangelism Encounter...
This evangelism encounter will make your mouth drop. It is one of the most confusing conversations Ray Comfort has ever been a part of.
Christian opens Their Eyes with one V...
In this video, Ray Comfort approaches people on the street to ask them a thought-provoking question about what they would do if they only had two weeks left to live.