Living Waters

Living Waters

Get equipped to boldly share the gospel with actual footage of street evangelists challenging people from all walks of life with the life-changing gospel message.

Living Waters
  • How This MASSIVE Cult Is Deceiving MILLIONS.

    This huge cult does some twisted things to recruit people. Ray Comfort exposes the tactics Jehovah’s Witnesses use to bring people into their false religious system, and then shares the biblical gospel with a few different Jehovah’s Witnesses.

  • Christian Vs. The Most LIKABLE Atheist Ever!

    This atheist is so sweet, you’ll be completely shocked. In this evangelism video, Ray Comfort shares the gospel with Nathan and Jacob. Jacob is a committed atheist who insists that nothing was in the beginning, but watch as he admits that his mind changes about there being a God as Ray witnesses ...

  • I Was Sharing the Gospel, Then Things Got Scary…

    Ray Comfort was so scared that he began nervously laughing... After an evangelism encounter with a young man came to an abrupt end, the young man’s father began getting aggressive with Ray. Ray was so scared that his instinct was to nervously laugh. May God soften their hearts.

  • Christians, Watch This Video Before 2024

    Christians, don’t miss Ray Comfort’s predictions and exhortations for 2024.

  • This Catholic Tracked Ray Comfort Down JUST to Debate Him...

    A well-educated Catholic came to Huntington Beach just so that he could set Ray Comfort straight when it comes to Catholicism, and an extremely interesting conversation ensued!

    You can find the video where Ray Comfort responded to a prominent Catholic’s criticisms (the video that Ray mentioned i...

  • He Curses Israel, Then This INSTANTLY Happens

    Turkish MP Hasan Bitmez pronounced a curse upon Israel in the name of Allah, and then something shocking happened right afterward...

    Ray Comfort then interviews college students asking them their thoughts on the situation, as well as if they believe that God was the one who caused this to happen...

  • Exposing the BLATANT Lies Catholics Are Telling You

    In this video, Ray Comfort responds to criticism he’s received from Catholics. He addresses infant baptism, baptismal regeneration, the myth of Jesus starting the Catholic Church, and more. He then shares footage of him sharing the biblical gospel—salvation by grace alone through faith alone in J...

  • Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Lies About God NEED to Be Stopped NOW

    Arnold Schwarzenegger was recently in the news for his views on the afterlife, but unfortunately, he’s dead wrong. Ray Comfort shares a personal plea with Arnold Schwarzenegger, exposes the problem with his beliefs, and then shows some compelling conversations that he had with people at Huntingto...

  • Politico Uncovers Ray Comfort’s Link to US House Speaker, Mike Johnson

    You and Living Waters were recently targeted by Politico. What was your reaction to the article?

    Conflict gets news articles read, and this created conflict. However, the video to which they linked is a most loving interaction I had with two homosexuals who both listened respectably, and were cl...

  • The BIG Problem with Elon Musk’s New Israel-Hamas Plan

    Elon Musk recently revealed his thoughts on peace in the Middle East and the Israel-Hamas war—but Ray Comfort points out an important issue with Musk’s perspective. This video explores Elon Musk’s dialogue, then shows an evangelism conversation that Ray had with a young atheist, and ends with Ray...

  • Christians, You NEED to Watch This Video About Aliens

    Has there been a surge of new evidence supporting the existence of aliens? How should Christians think about this, and what does the Bible have to say? Listen in as the Living Waters team discusses this topic.

  • I Might End Up Deleting This Interview.

    Ray Comfort had four very difficult evangelism encounters in a row, and nearly deleted all of these.

  • Dear Dennis Prager Here‘s Why You’re Wrong

    Ray Comfort calls out Dennis Prager...

  • Two Lies Christians MUST Stop Believing.

    Ray Comfort addresses two common mistakes that Christians commit regularly...and they’re both probably quite controversial.

  • They Both Left the MOMENT the Preacher Said This…

    The moment Ray Comfort said this to a couple at Huntington Beach, the man pulled his wife away...

    Listen as Ray Comfort shares the gospel in two different evangelism encounters that have two very different outcomes.

  • UNDENIABLE Biblical Evidence for Extraterrestrial Life

    The Bible is clear that extraterrestrial life—life that did not originate on Earth—actually exists.

  • NEVER Say This if You Want Loved Ones to Come to Christ

    Many Christians use these phrases when evangelizing, and it’s doing more damage than you might expect...

    Ray Comfort explains why this is the case using a video where a large shark can be seen on the beach near many swimmers, and yet no one left the water after many warnings.

  • Jewish College Professor STOPS Christian... So He Can Be Saved!

    What a remarkable evangelism encounter! As Ray Comfort is riding through the local college, one of the professors, a Jewish man, stops him to talk with him about Jesus. What happens next is truly moving.

  • Warning Famous Gay Jewish Leader Wants to Rewrite the Bible Using AI

    There is a massively influential individual named Yuval Noah Harari who wants to change the whole world’s minds on religion...

    Not only does he hate what the Bible has to say, but he also believes that AI could be used to create the world’s religions in the future. Ray Comfort shares his thought...

  • Watch God Do a Work in Her Heart! (Very Moving)

    We praise God for what took place in this young woman’s life this day...

    Ray Comfort shares the gospel with a woman who truly grasped what the Bible says. She breaks out in tears as she meditates on her sins against a holy God, and what Jesus did for her. “But God demonstrates His own love towar...

  • He Does This RIGHT After Talking with the Preacher!

    There’s no way that this is just a coincidence...

    Watch as Ray Comfort talks about the concerning shirt that this young man is wearing during evangelism, and then see what happens at the end of the interview. God is surely involved in this special moment!

  • This ONE Thing Is Bringing So Many Catholics to Christ!

    One thing has been responsible for bringing a lot of Catholics to a genuine faith in Christ recently...

    In this video, Ray Comfort, Emeal (“E.Z.”) Zwayne, and Mark Spence explain in great detail the issues with Catholic doctrine and why so many Catholics have been becoming born again. You’ll als...

  • Richard Dawkins’ Ex-Right-Hand Man Comes to Christ!

    Josh Timonen was one of Richard Dawkins’ closest companions from 2006-2010. He was even working for Richard Dawkins when Dawkins was publicly shaming Ray Comfort for videos that appeared as if Ray was saying that bananas prove the existence of God—which eventually culminated in Ray being known as...

  • Terrible Things Are Happening in New Zealand...

    Why have so many horrible things been happening in Ray Comfort’s home country of New Zealand recently? Does the Bible have anything to do with it? The answer is yes, as Ray explains in this video. He then shows an evangelism conversation with a young woman where they discuss some of the biggest q...