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Más subtítulos en español con audio en inglés
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Más subtítulos en español con audio en inglés
  • The Building of the Ark Encounter

    Come along on a journey from the first brainstorming plan in 2004 to the grand opening in July 2016 of the Ark Encounter!

  • S1E1 Jumpers (Pilot)

    Trevor and Avery hop by Ararat Ridge Zoo to meet the kangaroos. How are these marsupials able to jump so high?

  • S1E2 Chompers

    Trevor thinks Avery chews like a camel (Avery doesn't think so!). Will they ever find a camel so Trevor can prove it?

  • S1E3 Campers

    The Schu family is on a camping adventure that includes a fossil hunt, turtles, s'mores (of course!), and a really big waterfall.

  • S1E4 Climbers

    Trevor and Avery race to capture the flag but Trevor's startled by a climbing creature. Soon it's an exploration as they discover each kind is designed to do what it does do!

  • S1E6 Decomposers

    Where do leaves go after they fall from the trees? Trevor and Avery meet some creep crawly decomposers as they explore the amazing nutrient cycle.

  • S1E7 Habitats

    While on vacation on the Florida panhandle, the Schu family discovers some incredible habitats and just a few of the creatures that call them home.

  • S1E8 Runners

    Trevor and Avery race each other but Trevor always wins. That is, until Avery grabs some Animal Energy.‚ Can Trevor outrun a camel, zebra, or ostrich?

  • S1E5 Babies

    Baby animals are Avery's favorite. The Schu family meets baby goats, chicks, and a very special baby as they explore the truth that we're not like the animals at all.

  • S1E1 Welcome to our World

    Give your kids a truly Christian worldview as they experience creation like never before! Get ready to meet these four modern-day missionary kids as they adventure far into God's creation and discover the rich wildlife of the jungle of a remote Pacific island.

  • S1E3 Paradise Lost

    Get ready for an amazing underwater adventure! The hard-working Wild family is joined by missionary friends for some restful down time‚ at a nearby island's tropical shoreline. However in true Wild family style, the boys (and their parents) soon set out to discover new things about God's creation.

  • S1E5 Island of the Gods

    The fifth Wild Brothers family adventure follows the homeschooling missionaries Mike and Libby and their four sons to the rich but challenging culture of Bali, Indonesia!

  • S1E2 Jewels of the Jungle

    Meet Asher Wild and his three fun-loving teenage brothers. These homeschooled missionary kids live deep in the jungles of Southeast Asia. Like most boys, they love to catch strange bugs - jewels of the jungle in all sizes and colors. Their bug collection is super-sized!

  • S1E4 Tiger Trail

    Join the Wild brothers as they hike remote trails in search of the legendary Tasmanian tiger. They are determined to uncover the truth while deepening their relationships with the people of their mountain. Get your family together to fully enjoy an adventure you will never forget!

  • S1E7 Preparing For Departure

    With their return to the United States approaching, the four Wild brothers set off on another thrilling adventure ... This time they are building a wooden boat to sail halfway across the world!

  • S1E8 Deep-Sea Canoe

    After all of the preparations, the Wild Brothers are ready to start their voyage aboard their hand-made Deep-Sea Canoe! Climb aboard for a family adventure your kids may never forget!

  • Uncensored Science: Bill Nye Debates Ken Ham

    Leading creation apologist and bestselling Christian author Ken Ham was joined at the Creation Museum by popular TV personality and Evolution apologist Bill Nye. Ham, a former science instructor who emigrated to the USA from Australia over 25-years ago, was joined by the popular children's progra...

  • Nye/Ham: The Second Debate

    The uncut two-hour walking debate as Bill Nye the Science Guy tours the full-size Ark Encounter with Ken Ham.

  • S1E59 Where are Christian missionaries needed the most?

    Where are Christian missionaries needed the most?‚ òJesus' command to‚ òbelievers to‚ òGo and make disciples of all the nations‚‚ òincludes their own, where in the past countless missionaries strived long and hard to convert many to the Christian faith, only to see it washed away in a sea of secu...

  • S2E1 The Trojan Horse of Long Ages

    A look at how the modern western church's battle over biblical authority really began approximately 200 years ago by a seemingly innocuous compromise in an area that few Christians thought of as (and many today still think is not) important. Discover the Trojan Horse of Long Ages.

  • S1E26 The Hidden History of the Human Race - overview

    For years, we've taught and learned history through the lens of politics, language, and culture. What about the history of peoples? For example, who were the ancient Romans? The ancient Greeks? The ancient Assyrians? only genetics can scientifically answer this question. In this talk, Dr. Jeanson...

  • The Achilles' Heel of Creation and Intelligent Design

    A fatal weakness of creationist arguments is said to be that environments change over time. After the changes,‚ this objection states, living things are no longer adapted to the environments they were originally designed for, so their designs are no longer good. This reality doesn't fit with the ...

  • S1E1 Sandhill Cranes

    Meet sandhill cranes up close at a nature center, then join Peter on a hike to find some in a marsh. This is AiG's first creationist wildlife program called Hike and Seek hosted by Peter. Meet Peter as he begins this exciting series and more.

  • S1E2 Pacman Frogs & Box Turtles

    Learn about amphibian and reptiles on this episode of Hike and Seek with Peter Schriemer.