Uncensored Science: Bill Nye Debates Ken Ham
Más subtítulos en español con audio en inglés
Leading creation apologist and bestselling Christian author Ken Ham was joined at the Creation Museum by popular TV personality and Evolution apologist Bill Nye. Ham, a former science instructor who emigrated to the USA from Australia over 25-years ago, was joined by the popular children's program personality Bill Nye The Science Guy.‚ Each man delivered what he believed was the best information available, then had an opportunity for rebuttal, and then answered questions submitted by the audience. Presented in a packed 900 seat auditorium, this event sold out in the first 2-minutes of online ticketing, and included an audience of Christians and non-Christians, creationists and atheists from at least 29 different states. This video documents the actual, uncut statements, arguments, and reactions of these two leading spokesmen. You will understand the worldviews of each proponent, and those whom they represent, better than ever before.
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