Recommended for ages 8 and up.
A man named Pilgrim discovers a book, and the more he reads it, the more he is convicted of sin and judgment and a burden begins to develop on his back. obsessed with discovering the truth and escaping the City of Destruction, Pilgrim begins his journey to find a Celestial City ruled by a good and noble King, meeting friends and foes along the way. Revelation Media brings John Bunyan's story to a new generation using state-of-the-art CGI animation.
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As In The Days of Noah
In this drama, a tabloid reporter visits the Ark Encounter to uncover any dirt she can find on the building of the life-size Ark. But she's in for a surprise when she discovers the real reason it was built.
Patterns of Evidence
Award-winning investigative filmmaker Timothy Mahoney and his Patterns of Evidence team return with The Exodus &; The Moses Controversy.
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The Noah Interview
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