New Beginning

New Beginning

This stirring, new, historical drama looks at the biblical account of Noah’s flood from the viewpoint of Shem’s wife.

New Beginning
  • New Beginning

    This stirring, new, historical drama looks at the biblical account of Noah's flood from the viewpoint of Shem's wife.


  • Moving Set

    How did we design our Ark set so that it could move during filming?

  • Priest's Make Up

    To embody the wickedness of the pre-Flood world we transformed Doug Rumminger with body piercings and other silicon prosthetics.

  • New Beginnings: The Alley

    Why did God decide to flood the entire Earth? We created a small portion of a claustrophobic, violent, evil city. Then we made it rain.

  • Location Scout

    For a historical drama exploring life after Noah's flood we needed a location that had been carved by water.

  • The Homestead

    Can we place the viewer in the scene as Noah's family adjusts to their new world? Can we make a set feel like a family's homestead?

  • Inside the Hut

    Look inside the hut with the treasures Shem's wife brought from the lost pre-Flood world.

  • Noah's Make Up

    Transforming Atam Abbi into a 600 year old Noah required adding wrinkles, age spots and other subtle make-up.

  • New Beginning: The Fish

    A toy fish with layers of wired silicon, and a mechanical trigger inside of a spear became one of our favorite props

  • New Beginnings: SFX and Score

    How did we implement sound design so that it feels historical? How do we incorporate the music score so that it evokes and emotion without overwhelming the scene? In post production, our sound designer had to re-create immersive audio for a lost world.

  • New Beginning: The Purpose

    Eight people lived through the most traumatic event in history. The Flood account in Genesis 6-9 is real history, lived by a real family. We want your family to accept the authority of God's Word from the very first verse.