S1E7 The Genesis Account: How many individual animals were on board?
Noah's Ark
How many individual animals were on board? Having examined what the biblical kinds' of animals the Bible refers to that were aboard Noah's Ark, we now explore how many were there onboard, how could they possibly all fit on board, and how could only 8 people possibly care for all of them? Explore these issues in this enlightening and visually rich investigation of Noah's Ark.
Up Next in Noah's Ark
S1E8 The Genesis Account: How did it ...
How did it all work inside the Ark? Even considering the incredible size of Noah's Ark, there are legitimate practical considerations that skeptics have brought up to discredit the biblical account. Explore these issues in this enlightening and visually rich investigation of the inner workings of...
S1E9 The Genesis Account: 5 Places No...
5 places Noah's Ark was found! Many people have made declarations of discovering the Ark's resting place, but all have failed. Explore these claims in this enlightening and visually rich investigation of Noah's Ark.
S1E10 The Genesis Account: Noah the E...
Noah the Evangelist. Scripture says that the Patriarch Noah was not just a ship builder, but a preacher of righteousness. And his message is the same now as it was then.