Many Christians today accept the evolutionist claim that the earth is 4.5 billion years old. Most of them have never carefully considered what the Bible says about Noah's Flood. So they believe it was a local flood in the Mesopotamian valley in the Middle East, or a myth. In this lecture Dr. Mortenson focuses on the biblical evidence for the historical, global, catastrophic Flood. He presents seven lines of evidence that the Flood really happened in history. He then gives eleven evidences that it was global and five evidences from Scripture that it was catastrophic. He ends with some spiritual implications of the Flood.
Up Next in Noah's Ark
S1E13 Noah's Flood and Young Earth: T...
We are constantly told that the geological evidence of rock layers and fossils proves that the earth is about 4.5 billion years old and therefore young-earth creation is pseudo-science. This lecture presents some of the powerful evidence showing that the exact opposite is true. Much visual eviden...
S1E14 Noah's Flood and Young Earth: T...
We are constantly told that the geological evidence of rock layers and fossils proves that the earth is about 4.5 billion years old and therefore young-earth creation is pseudo-science. This lecture presents some of the powerful evidence showing that the exact opposite is true. Much visual eviden...
S1E1 The Genesis Account: Was There R...
Was There Really a Noah's Ark? This account is one of the most widely known events in the history of mankind. Unfortunately, in this day and age, its often taken as a mere fairy tale. Hear sound reasoning why it can be trusted in this enlightening and visually rich exploration of Noah's Ark.