Visit a mysterious forest that God created under the sea and meet the animals that God designed to live in this unique ocean environment! Play with seals and sea lions. Have a close encounter with so-called dangerous marine animals such as sting rays, moray eels, and sharks!
Disclaimer: Facts in this video regarding the Califonia Sheephead fish pertain to this particular fish or other fish in the same genus. Animals in the genus Semicossyphus belong to the wrasse family or Labridae. Sheephead fish are protogynous meaning all are born female. Some will transition to male depending on environmental factors like food supply. From a biblical creation perspective, sequential hermaphroditism (changing from one gender/sex to the other) is helpful in a post-fall world to allow reproduction only when conditions are favorable. God has designed animals to thrive in a fallen world (Psalm 104:24 - 28).
Up Next in Season 1
The Belize Whale Shark Expedition
Join ocean Explorers, Mr. &; Mrs. Brown on their explorations of God's ocean creation and their search to document the largest shark on the planet -- the Whale Shark! Discover why the largest shark on the Earth is the most gentle and harmless of all the sharks that God created. Their search takes...
The Norway Polar Bear Expedition
Were Polar Bears around at the time of Creation? How are Polar Bears really ocean mammals? Join ocean Explorers, Mr. &; Mrs. Brown as they travel to a remote Norwegian island near the North Pole to search for the largest bear and the largest carnivore on Earth -- the Polar Bear! on their search f...
The Australia Great White Shark Exped...
Find out the facts versus the fantasies about great white sharks as we search for great white sharks at Dangerous Reef, South Australia. Learn the special attributes that God gave great white sharks. Join us as we dive with a 15 foot long, 3,000 pound female great white shark! Learn how great whi...