One Race, One Blood: Curriculum Supplement
Grace Relations: DREAM - Part 1
Season 1, Episode 7
Racism is a global problem, and the church must move past the blame and shame game. our one, sinful race needs GRACE (God's Reconciliation At Christ's Expense). The gospel is powerful enough to bring us together and hold us together for the glory of God! Dr. Charles Ware shares lessons learned from his family and about his 2004 work in Lausanne, Switzerland, and 2017 work in South Africa.
Up Next in One Race, One Blood: Curriculum Supplement
Grace Relations: DREAM - Part 2
We live in a fallen world. Relationships are difficult. Confusion, opposition, and failure hamper our conversations. Dr. Charles Ware reminds us that God loves and God takes the initiative. His people, empowered by the Holy Spirit, can imitate his method. Good things don't make the news. But God ...
Grace Relations: DREAM - Part 3
our thinking needs to be biblical. When we say, We are all one race, one family, with one Savior,‚ does that mean we're trying to minimize, ignore or erase the evils, problems and dysfunction in our history, our communities, our nations, and our world? Dr. Charles Ware says no, then points us to ...
Grace Relations: DREAM - Part 4
If Jesus is the Lord, then he calls the shots. We need discernment. We need to ask each other questions. We need to listen. Are we willing to learn? Dr. Charles Ware challenges Christians to go beyond stereotypes and groupthink. God's way forward requires faith, virtue, knowledge, self-control, p...