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Up Next in One Race, One Blood: Curriculum Supplement

  • Unity of Humanity (part 2)

    Pastor Pavel Urruchi continues his message. God's history in Genesis 4 - 11 reveals the unity of humanity. The sin-cycle we see in Genesis still harms our world today. In our evil nature, we hate our brothers. our gracious God seeks and clothes and promises not to leave humanity lost in rebellion...

  • Babel and the Gospel

    What does Cain's wife have to do with the gospel of Jesus Christ? Pastor David Chakranarayan reviews the history of Adam's family and the genetic variability that explains how one family produced the diversity of human cultures we find all around the world.

  • Check This out: Races

    This 3-minute overview explains the biblical teaching that all of humanity is one family. We reject the popular definition of race,‚ consider genetics, review key Scriptures, and celebrate the truth that every man and woman are created in God's image.

    This short film appears in many of our speak...