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Up Next in One Race, One Blood: Curriculum Supplement

  • Tower of Babel

    The same people who reject creation and the flood also insist the tower of Babel is merely a myth. But, the Bible can be trusted and the historical events recorded in Genesis give us the foundation we need to defeat racism. Racists used evolution to justify: displaying a man named Ota Benga in a ...

  • After Babel, Nations Move Out

    After the tower of Babel, humanity split up into language groups and spread out over the world. The table of nations in Genesis 10 shows how every family traces back to Noah’s sons. Ziggurat architecture around the world demonstrates many peoples’ memories of that original tower. Linguistics ...

  • Babel and the Gospel

    What does Cain’s wife have to do with the gospel of Jesus Christ? Pastor David Chakranarayan reviews the history of Adam’s family and the genetic variability that explains how one family produced the diversity of human cultures we find all around the world.