Are Humans and Chimps Related? - Dr. Georgia Purdom
You've heard the claim that chimps and humans share 98% DNA similarity. Is that true? Are we related?
Up Next in Origins
Millions of Years:The Idea's Unscient...
With a summary of some of the many godly Christian leaders over the past 150 years who have compromised with millions of years, Dr. Mortenson gives a critically needed historical context for understanding why the authority of Scripture is so undermined in the Church today and how this relates to ...
Ape-men, Adam, and the Gospel - Dr. T...
How does your view of human origins impact your view of the gospel?
Creation vs Evolution: Why it Matters
Many people believe that Genesis is of little importance in our world today. And they don't think it's accurate. Avery Foley shows why our view of creation or evolution, and the age of the earth are ultimately biblical authority issues of huge significance. A proper understanding of Genesis (espe...