In a way that is understandable for lay people and teens, this lecture presents many scientific and biblical reasons why we do not need to bow the knee to the big bang theory or any other theory of cosmic evolution (and the associated billions of years). Using quotes by prominent secular astrophysicists, Dr. Mortenson shows that evolutionists really have no idea how the Moon, the Solar System, or any stars or galaxies came into existence and that the big bang theory is fraught with scientific problems. He also shows that it impossible to harmonize the big bang theory with Scripture. Christian leaders who tell us to accept the big bang and billions of years are misleading the church. We can and should believe the Genesis account of the origin and age of the universe.
Up Next in Origins
S1E11 Big Bang: Exploding the Idolatr...
As in the case of the myth of human evolution, the world is being deceived by art, imagination, and misinterpreted (or even intentionally manipulated) fossils. Evolutionists really don't know how dinosaurs came into existence or how they went extinct, and they have no real evidence (that stands u...
S1E12 Noah's Flood: The Biblical Evid...
Many Christians today accept the evolutionist claim that the earth is 4.5 billion years old. Most of them have never carefully considered what the Bible says about Noah's Flood. So they believe it was a local flood in the Mesopotamian valley in the Middle East, or a myth. In this lecture Dr. Mort...
S1E13 Noah's Flood and Young Earth: T...
We are constantly told that the geological evidence of rock layers and fossils proves that the earth is about 4.5 billion years old and therefore young-earth creation is pseudo-science. This lecture presents some of the powerful evidence showing that the exact opposite is true. Much visual eviden...