Dr. Mortenson begins by explaining the significant difference between operation (experimental) science (which produces new technology or finds cures for disease) and origin (or historical) science (which attempts to reconstruct the past events that produced the evidence we see in the present, such as rock layers and fossils). He then explains the critical role of assumptions in the interpretation of the scientific evidence regarding origins by contrasting the naturalistic worldview controlling the thinking of most scientists and the biblical worldview that should control the thinking of Christians. He explains that most Christians have compromised with the naturalistic worldview. He concludes by giving a number of reasons why Christians should trust what God says in Genesis 1¬ - 11 rather than what the majority of scientists say about origins.
Up Next in Origins
S1E5 Recent Creation in Six Literal D...
For 200 years Christians have been told that the Bible is just not clear about the length of the days of creation in Genesis 1 and the age of the earth. This presentation presents the strong biblical evidence that God created the universe in six literal days about 6000 years ago. He then refutes...
S1E6 Recent Creation in Six Literal D...
For 200 years Christians have been told that the Bible is just not clear about the length of the days of creation in Genesis 1 and the age of the earth. This presentation presents the strong biblical evidence that God created the universe in six literal days about 6000 years ago. He then refutes...
S1E7 Millions of Years: The Unscienti...
To really understand what is wrong with belief in millions of years, we need to go back to the early 19th century and study the origin of this idea. This unique and interesting lecture, based on Dr. Mortenson's PhD research, will clearly show that the idea was not the result of just letting the r...