One Blood, One Race‚ Clip About Poodles
An excerpt about poodles from Ken Ham's Foundations - one Blood, one Race‚.
one Blood, one Race‚ - Understanding what happened at the Tower of Babel is key to understanding the origin of nations, races,‚ prejudice, and much more! on the lighter side, this video uses Ken's comical perspective on poodles to teach on natural selection and speciation.
The full one Blood, one Race‚ videos (2 parts) may be found at:
The full Ken Ham's Foundations‚ series may be found at:
Up Next in Origins
One Blood, One Race: The origin of Ra...
Because much of the church has adopted the secular world's teachings regarding the different races‚ and has not accepted the Biblical view, most Christians have lost a vital truth concerning the Scriptural teaching on the two spiritual races (but only one physical race), as opposed to the false i...
S1E5 One Blood, One Race, Part 1 (2011)
Part 1: Understanding what happened at the Tower of Babel is key to understanding the origin of nations, races,‚ prejudice, and much more! on the lighter side, this video uses Ken's comical perspective on poodles to teach on natural selection and speciation. (2 parts)
S1E6 One Blood, One Race, Part 2 (2011)
Part 2: Understanding what happened at the Tower of Babel is key to understanding the origin of nations, races,‚ prejudice, and much more! on the lighter side, this video uses Ken's comical perspective on poodles to teach on natural selection and speciation. (2 parts)