Part 2: Understanding what happened at the Tower of Babel is key to understanding the origin of nations, races,‚ prejudice, and much more! on the lighter side, this video uses Ken's comical perspective on poodles to teach on natural selection and speciation. (2 parts)
Up Next in Origins
The Origin of Races
Ever wonder why there are so many different "colors" of skin if we all came from Adam and Eve? Are there really different "races" or are we all of one race - the human race? This fun, educational video explores some of these questions and gives biblical answers.
Origin of Species: Was Darwin Right? ...
Take a close look at the claims made in Darwin's world-changing book, origin of Species. Speaker Dr. Terry Mortenson shows that real science always confirms that God's Word is true!
Origin of Life (Part 1)
What would have to happen for life to arise naturally from non-life? Let's begin thinking through just some of the steps required. Along the way, we'll see how to separate facts from assumptions in origin of life‚ studies, including the famous Miller-Urey experiment.