What are pseudogenes? Are they really useless genes leftover from evolution? Can they show that different organisms‚ like chimps and humans‚ share the same ancestor? Popular evolutionary arguments would say so, but let's see how to think biblically and critically about such claims.
Up Next in Origins
Are Humans Related to Chimps?
one of the biggest debates in evangelical Christianity today is whether Adam and Eve were real people. Sadly, many believe that genetics has proven that humans and chimps share a common ancestor disproving the existence of an original couple specially created by God. As a consequence, many have b...
Are Humans Related to Chimps? - Dr Ge...
one of the biggest debates in evangelical Christianity today is whether Adam and Eve were real people. Sadly, many believe that genetics has proven that humans and chimps share a common ancestor disproving the existence of an original couple specially created by God. As a consequence, many have b...
Are Humans and Chimps Related? - Dr. ...
You've heard the claim that chimps and humans share 98% DNA similarity. Is that true? Are we related?