Racist ideology, lack of compassion for the elderly, infirm, and unborn- and dissolution of traditional marriage, family, and human identity are rooted in an evolutionary interpretation of human anthropology. Humanity has grown comfortable seeing mankind as a civilized animal with bestial roots that resurface far too frequently- and people who are convinced that they are nothing but animals tend to act as such- and treat others accordingly. our world desperately needs to understand that all human life is precious and that everyone, regardless of physical appearance, intelligence, or status among men, bears the image of God.
Up Next in Origins
Homo Habilis: Evidence for Evolution ...
Natural History Museums everywhere display line-ups of ape-to-human icons that supposedly show how humans evolved from ape-like creatures millions of years ago. one step in this line up is Homo habilis. This icon is not represented by a single complete skeleton and has only about 100 bones assign...
Homo Habilis: Evidence for Evolution ...
Natural History Museums everywhere display line-ups of ape-to-human icons that supposedly show how humans evolved from ape-like creatures millions of years ago. one step in this line up is Homo habilis. This icon is not represented by a single complete skeleton and has only about 100 bones assign...
Neanderthals: Evidence for Evolution ...
Natural History Museums everywhere display line-ups of ape-to-human icons that supposedly show how humans evolved from ape-like creatures millions of years ago. The last step in this line up are Neanderthals, holding the 40,000 to 400,000 years ago‚ time slot. Just decades ago, Neanderthals were ...