Replacing Darwin: The New origin of Species (2019) - Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson
Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson effectively and authoritatively documents the newest scientific discoveries, refutes Darwin's claims, and presents evidences that support a compelling alternate explanation for the origin of species.
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Nathaniel Jeanson's Book: Replacing D...
Nathaniel Jeanson's Book: Replacing Darwin
The Origin of Life, Part 1
A lecture on science and the Bible - The origin of Life: Part 1
Topics include: attempts to create life in a laboratory, the building blocks of life: an insurmountable problem for evolution, probability and the origin of life, the Second Law of Thermodynamics, and information and complexity. -
The Origin of Life, Part 2
A lecture on science and the Bible - The origin of Life: Part 2
Topics include: attempts to create life in a laboratory, the building blocks of life: an insurmountable problem for evolution, probability and the origin of life, the Second Law of Thermodynamics, and information and complexity.