S1E22 The Intelligent Design Movement: It's Strengths and Fatal Flaws
Is it biblical to use intelligent design arguments to argue for the existence of God? What about the Intelligent Design Movement (IDM)? Is its strategy in opposing Darwinian evolution something that Bible-believing Christians should embrace? In this lecture Dr. Mortenson illustrates the amazing design we see in nature and how secular scientists foolishly attribute it to evolution rather than to the brilliance of our Creator. He then identifies some of the IDM's leading scholars and assesses four strengths and four serious weaknesses of this religiously eclectic movement. Christians should use ID arguments in conversation with non-believers. But the IDM approach to dealing with evolution is not consistent with Scripture and does not accurately explain reality.
Up Next in Origins
S1E23 Biblical Inerrancy and the Unde...
This lecture begins by looking at several affirmations and denials in two important documents on inerrancy and hermeneutics produced by the International Council on Biblical Inerrancy. These statements are very relevant to the question of the controversies in the church about creation, evolution,...
S1E24 Biblical Inerrancy and the Unde...
This lecture begins by looking at several affirmations and denials in two important documents on inerrancy and hermeneutics produced by the International Council on Biblical Inerrancy. These statements are very relevant to the question of the controversies in the church about creation, evolution,...
S1E25 Theistic Evolution: It's Not th...
Many Christians reject theistic biological evolution but accept millions of years of geological and cosmological evolution and insist that the age of the creation is a side issue‚ over which Christians can agree to disagree.‚ Theistic evolution is driven by a belief that we must interpret Genesis...