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S1E19 The origin of Man and People Groups P2


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  • S1E20 Dinosaurs: Science and the Bibl...

    As in the case of the myth of human evolution, the world is being deceived by art, imagination, and misinterpreted (or even intentionally manipulated) fossils. Evolutionists really don't know how dinosaurs came into existence or how they went extinct, and they have no real evidence (that stands u...

  • S1E21 Dinosaurs: Science and the Bibl...

    As in the case of the myth of human evolution, the world is being deceived by art, imagination, and misinterpreted (or even intentionally manipulated) fossils. Evolutionists really don't know how dinosaurs came into existence or how they went extinct, and they have no real evidence (that stands u...

  • S1E22 The Intelligent Design Movement...

    Is it biblical to use intelligent design arguments to argue for the existence of God? What about the Intelligent Design Movement (IDM)? Is its strategy in opposing Darwinian evolution something that Bible-believing Christians should embrace? In this lecture Dr. Mortenson illustrates the amazing d...