What is happening in America and the rest of the Western world? Moral insanity, censorship of truth, and loss of liberty prevails. Why? How did we get here? Many Christians today think that the question of origins (and especially the age of the earth) is an unimportant side issue, which can distract us from focusing on Christ and the gospel and over which Christians can just agree to disagree.‚ But nothing could be farther from the truth. In the light of our cultural context, Dr. Mortenson presents some of the biblical reasons for believing that this issue is vitally important for every Christian, because what ultimately is at stake is the authority of Scripture and the truth of the Gospel.
Up Next in Origins
S1E3 Origins and the Biblical Worldview
What is a worldview and how is it related to the origins debate. This lecture defines worldview and the important questions that it addresses. Dr. Mortenson gives three reasons why every Christian needs to understand the role of worldviews in this controversy. He explains key points of a truly bi...
S1E4 How to Think About origins
Dr. Mortenson begins by explaining the significant difference between operation (experimental) science (which produces new technology or finds cures for disease) and origin (or historical) science (which attempts to reconstruct the past events that produced the evidence we see in the present, suc...
S1E5 Recent Creation in Six Literal D...
For 200 years Christians have been told that the Bible is just not clear about the length of the days of creation in Genesis 1 and the age of the earth. This presentation presents the strong biblical evidence that God created the universe in six literal days about 6000 years ago. He then refutes...