Many Christians reject theistic biological evolution but accept millions of years of geological and cosmological evolution and insist that the age of the creation is a side issue‚ over which Christians can agree to disagree.‚ Theistic evolution is driven by a belief that we must interpret Genesis in light of ancient near-eastern (ANE) pagan creation and flood myths around Israel. After a brief explanation the fallacy of the ANE hermeneutic, Dr. Mortenson presents seven reasons why all old-earth views (gap theory, day-age theory, framework hypothesis, etc., including theistic evolution) should be rejected. The theory of millions of years of earth and cosmic history is as unbiblical (and unscientific) as biological and human evolution. All the old-earth views cause serious damage to the church and her witness (contrary to the sincere intentions of the advocates of these old-earth views).
Up Next in Origins
What the Genesis Text Really Says Abo...
Part 1: Biblical and scientific reasons from Genesis as to why we should not compromise God's Word with evolution, including biblical and scientific evidences for a worldwide flood, why it matters what we believe, and the cost of compromise.
What the Genesis Text Really Says Abo...
Part 2: Biblical and scientific reasons from Genesis as to why we should not compromise God's Word with evolution, including biblical and scientific evidences for a worldwide flood, why it matters what we believe, and the cost of compromise.
What the Genesis Text Really Says Abo...
Part 3: Biblical and scientific reasons from Genesis as to why we should not compromise God's Word with evolution, including biblical and scientific evidences for a worldwide flood, why it matters what we believe, and the cost of compromise.