

This playlist contains various speakers and content that discusses biblical origins.

What is the origin of man? The Book of Genesis tells the truth of Creation and the origin of man. Genesis 2:7 (ESV) reads: then the Lord God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living creature. Genesis 2:21-22 (ESV) reads: So the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and while he slept took one of his ribs and closed up its place with flesh. And the rib that the Lord God had taken from the man he made into a woman and brought her to the man.

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  • Creation and Cosmology, Part 4

    Part 4: By dissecting various flaws in past and current big bang models, astronomer Dr. Danny Faulkner encourages Christians to critically examine all cosmology theories. He also gives an overview of the evolving theories in secular astronomy.

  • Molecular Evidence for Creation, Part 1

    Part 1: Can evolutionary theory explain the origin of the complex, integrated molecular systems found in living cells? Dr. David DeWitt, author of Unraveling the Origins Controversy, explains in this video why mutation and natural selection are inadequate to account for these amazing molecular ma...

  • Molecular Evidence for Creation, Part 2

    Part 2: Can evolutionary theory explain the origin of the complex, integrated molecular systems found in living cells? Dr. David DeWitt, author of Unraveling the Origins Controversy, explains in this video why mutation and natural selection are inadequate to account for these amazing molecular ma...

  • Molecular Evidence for Creation, Part 3

    Part 3: Can evolutionary theory explain the origin of the complex, integrated molecular systems found in living cells? Dr. David DeWitt, author of Unraveling the Origins Controversy, explains in this video why mutation and natural selection are inadequate to account for these amazing molecular ma...

  • Molecular Evidence for Creation, Part 4

    Part 4: Can evolutionary theory explain the origin of the complex, integrated molecular systems found in living cells? Dr. David DeWitt, author of Unraveling the Origins Controversy, explains in this video why mutation and natural selection are inadequate to account for these amazing molecular ma...

  • Was Adam the First Human? - Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson

    Does modern genetics refute the existence of a literal Adam and Eve? Within the last decade, critics of young-earth creation have increasingly made this claim. Does it stand up to scrutiny? Do we all go back to one original couple? Or do we descend from a population of ancestors?

  • Dinosaurs, Genesis, and the Gospel, Part 1

    Part 1: This upbeat educational program is filled with music and fun biblical teaching. Ken Ham and Buddy Davis answer questions about dinosaurs and how they relate to the Bible.

  • Dinosaurs, Genesis, and the Gospel, Part 2

    Part 2: This upbeat educational program is filled with music and fun biblical teaching. Ken Ham and Buddy Davis answer questions about dinosaurs and how they relate to the Bible.

  • The Genetics of Adam & Eve

    One of the biggest debates in evangelical Christianity today is whether Adam and Eve were real people. Join Dr. Georgia Purdom as she delves into the genetics behind humanity.

  • DNA Battles: Were Adam and Eve Historical?

    Modern genetics provides overwhelming empirical evidence supporting the Biblical notion that God created all of life.

    DNA Battles explores several lines of evidence which supports a 6,000 year 6-day biblical explanation for Creation.

    The June, 2011 cover article in Christianity Today (CT) lays ...

  • The Nature of Science

    Does science trump the Word of God? No way! This fun, animated video demonstrates how science couldn’t even be possible without God and how we need to be careful how we “interpret” evidence.

  • Lucy--Not a Missing Link

    Dr. David Menton teaches why Lucy is not a "missing link."

  • Part 1 - Life: What is Life?

    Part 1: The earth abounds with a fantastic variety of living things. But what is life? Why are living things so similar? Explore amazing answers from the Bible! Contains 9 mini programs.

  • Part 3 - Life: Common Designer

    Part 3: The earth abounds with a fantastic variety of living things. But what is life? Why are living things so similar? Explore amazing answers from the Bible! Contains 9 mini programs.

  • Part 5 - Life: Designed for Flight

    Part 5: The earth abounds with a fantastic variety of living things. But what is life? Why are living things so similar? Explore amazing answers from the Bible! Contains 9 mini programs.

  • Part 6 - Life: Kinds

    Part 6: The earth abounds with a fantastic variety of living things. But what is life? Why are living things so similar? Explore amazing answers from the Bible! Contains 9 mini programs.

  • The Importance of Genesis

    Why is Genesis so important?

  • Evidence for Adam and Eve

    Evidence for Adam and Eve

  • The Big Bang Its Not Working Animation

    The Big Bang Its Not Working Animation

  • N is for Noah

    The account of the ark, the flood, and the man of faith at the heart of this biblical adventure is told in informative rhyming verse.

  • D is for Dinosaur

    Kids love dinosaurs, so it's vital that parents begin teaching about them when they are young. D is for Dinosaur makes it easy to show kids the true history of dinosaurs.

  • A is for Adam

    This short animated film shares the message of the gospel to young children, beginning in the book of Genesis.

  • S1E1 Freakshow: Evolution in Entertainment

    In the 1800s and early 1900s, traveling circuses provided hours of amusement for attendees. But there was a dark side to many- specifically- the sadly misnamed freak show. Most exhibited were the unfortunate victims of medical conditions that lead to de-humanizing exploitation- the most negativel...

  • S1E2 Freakshow: Tragic Tales of Evolutionary Exploitation

    Portrayals as ‘missing links’ took a fearful toll on many unfortunate people involved in the human Freak Show industry. As evolutionary ideas grew among the scientific community, naturalistic ideas of man’s origins were disseminated among the general public through such exhibits. Once popularized...